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Chapter 26                                       
The call from Ashley                               
Ellie started talking about science stuff when I pulled Luna away to talk about life because we haven't talked about how we were doing or had a real conversation in a long time.
    I heard my phone go off and then stop. I thought I got a call but it must have been just me hearing things because you know we have all been going crazy with all this stuff.

                        Mia's Point of View
I heard Sasha's phone going off so I answered it expecting for her to come to get it but what her sister said I couldn't tell her. She would freak out and say we need to go now and it wasn't the right time for that. I tried my best to sound like Sasha so Ashley wouldn't ask to talk to her.

Ashley: Hey Sasha! We just made it to Elko because of a radioactive spill that happened in Las Vegas.

Mia: Hi Ash, how bad was the spill, and are you okay?

Ashley: It was a big spill putting out radioactive waste 50 miles from Las Vegas. We are all okay and we even met two new people who let us on their property.

Mia: That is great, it would be so nice to meet them!

Ashley: Oh they also have 4 cats named Whisper, Willow, Windy, and Wonky! The dogs get along great with them. It's so adorable.

Mia: That is great! I can't wait to see you and them again. I have to go I will talk to you soon.

Ashley: Okay bye.

Mia: Bye.

                     Sasha's Point of View
I went to grab my phone because I needed to check if it rang when I saw Mia putting it back down. I thought nothing of it because I could trust her and she was my best friend so she wouldn't do anything bad.
    Hunter ran all over the place trying to kill a stupid rat before we all had to go. We made it to Luna's house and made my famous tacos. I read the long list of ingredients and we got to work.

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