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Chapter 16                                       
Juniper Tree

We finally made it into town. It took forever. Now time to find Sasha's truck. Ugh, I hate this I wish I could just go back to when we had nothing to worry about and could go inside whenever we wished. I miss our house so much.
                     . . .

I passed out because I haven't had water in a while, we are now in an abandoned store. I almost got bit when I woke up, I woke up with a loud bang on my face because Luna was smashing the zombie's head.
    Not gonna lie it was kinda cool. Lucky and I do sort of have a favorite person. I remember how happy she was when she found out that she was going to be given to Luna.
    I wish Lucky and Trouble weren't, you know, dead. I didn't want to mention it but it's kinda important, "Hunter time to go find Sasha's truck." I hear Mia calling to me while I'm still laying on the floor drinking water.
    I jump up and we leave the store. After we left the store I began to feel nauseous and almost passed out again. I kept imagining Lucky running up the stairs at the house screaming for Trouble. Lucky was the best dog to ever live.
    She loved singing a song to Luna even though Luna couldn't understand what we were saying, Lucky was the sweetest and everyone always loved her. One day she was called famous.
    I wish we would see her again but we can't unless....unless...unless...we die! Lucky and Trouble even made a song years ago called Juniper Tree. I will show you the paper with the lyrics right now!

Juniper Tree
By Lucky and Trouble

    October 31, 1991, was dark and gloomy. We were on a walk at 9:00. We got tired and decided to rest right in the woods under the trees. The juniper trees. It didn't take long to fall along right asleep. Under the trees. Our old juniper trees. Lucky and Trouble sleeping under the juniper trees. The juniper trees. Our old juniper trees. The juniper trees. Our old juniper trees.

    It's a short song but it was always the song they would want to listen to while on a long drive. They listened to the song while going to Mia's house. It made me sad to hear that song yesterday while on Sasha's phone. Yes, dogs can go on phones.
    We finally made it to the neighborhood that Mia lives in and immediately went to find Sasha's truck, "This street is where I live!" We heard Mia yell. We went down the street and saw the house covered in zombies with ash all over. It was sad, "" Mia said while crying. Luna told her it would all be okay and to get in Sasha's truck.
    We got in the truck and Sasha started to drive off to a lab where Ellie can work on the cure. We want her to finish the cure so bad so this can all be over with and life can go back to normal.
    We started driving away and Megan wouldn't stop saying that she hasn't been to Tahoe since her parents were still alive. It was annoying but we all could live with it for the next few hours.
I was so bored while in the car without Lucky. She would always make up these games so we wouldn't be bored. Now that she is gone I don't know what we are going to do. I miss Lucky.
"Can we play Lucky's and Trouble's song?" Husky asked me.
"I guess we can but I would not listen to it." I answered back to him.
    He didn't end up playing it because he knew we were still getting over the fact that they were gone. It was hard knowing you will never see your sister again. I know she is in a happy place, though.
    "We are one hour away Megan." Sasha said once we hit the one-hour mark that she placed after our first time going up to Tahoe, "Megan? Megan you awake?" she said to Megan after she didn't answer. "I AM AWAKE!" Megan screamed after waking up from her nap.
    I couldn't help but think, Megan won't like it as much as she did when she was younger. We aren't going to the lake, we're going to the lab. she won't be happy. I never really knew if she would be unhappy but I didn't think she would because we were just going to the lab because we need to find the cure to save the world from this disaster.
    "Megan we know you just woke up because of that scream you can't hide it." Penny said after Megan just woke up.
"I know I was just startled." Megan said back, annoyed.
    Megan I would say got annoyed easily and when I mean easily it's not that easy to annoy her. I just say words that sound better together. I mean I could have just said she doesn't get annoyed easily but you know you say things then regret them right after. It happens to everyone, right?
    "Hunter? Are we here yet?" Husky asked me once we stopped.
"WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!" Mia yelled out to the whole world.
"Guess that answers your question Husky." I said back to him.
    We made it to the lab. It was such a relief I can't wait for this whole thing to be over, "Hunter get out stop daydreaming!" Sasha yelled back at me while I was in the back of the truck.

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