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Chapter 19                                       
A Cramped Car                                   
    "Ug Megan! Scoot over!" Heather hissed as we were all crammed up in the car, truck I should say.
"There's no room to scoot over!"
"Welcome to my life." I said to Ziira.
    Everyone was flipping out about Ziira, and my new haircut. Ever since Sasha found us she's been telling us stories of growing up in the woods. We've also told her our whole story from the very start of the zombie apocalypse. It took an hour, but we were trying to find a safe place to live so we were in the truck for a while.
    There were only 6 seats and 8 girls plus 3 dogs. The dogs were in the bed of the truck along with Ellie who was working on the cure where there was room. Sasha was driving and Mia was in the middle seat upfront along with Penny who was in the passenger seat. I was in the seat behind Sasha and Ziira was next to me. Megan and Heather had to split the last seat and that's why they were arguing so much. It made me wonder what it would be like if Gem and Joana never died, if we could have saved them.
    "Man, I wish I could meet them." Ziira would say when we were telling her the story and we got to all of our family's deaths, Gem and Joana's deaths, and Trouble and Lucky's death. The thing was, everyone else knew Trouble and Lucky died, they blew up with Gem in the lab, but Sasha told me they escaped just to make me feel fine because I've already lost so many, so when Ellie was telling that part of the story she froze once she said they died, then everyone looked at me and I knew they were lying the whole time so I wouldn't do what I was about to do: Break out sobbing. I was crying so hard I couldn't control myself. I still couldn't believe it. My little Lucky Rose was dead.
"I have good news!" Ellie called from the bed of the truck with the dogs and supplies, "I'm almost done with the cure!"
"YES!!!" We all cheered at the same time.
"Whoa, whoa, be quiet! I'm trying to drive!" Sasha jokingly yelled at us.
"Sorry Mother Sasha." Mia said and Ellie continued. 
"But to make it go all around the world we need to wait till June so the breeze can pick it up and carry it. That way it's in the air and the zombies will breathe it in. Then everyone's healed!"
"Hey!" I yelled, "That's my birth month!"
"June? That's in a couple of weeks." Heather pointed out.
"Wait, does that mean we have to make it a gas?" Mia asked.
Ellie grinned, "Yep! And I know exactly how!" She got back to work after that.
    I sighed and looked out the window, leaning against the seat. As we drove across the empty plains I saw someone standing there, except they were moving with us. With the truck. I perked up and looked closely out the window. It was a guy, no, not a guy, a...boy. He was wearing rags and looked all worn out. He was a zombie. I looked closer, my nose touching the cold glass of Sasha's truck. It was Lease. My eyes were huge and I stared at him through the window with my pale face.
"Luna..." His crackling voice said, "You killed killed me."
    I just stared at him speechless. The words "what" were on my lips. What just happened. Suddenly he disappeared and left me with a headache.
    I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. It kept getting worse and worse, and I held it. Maybe I bruised it or something while fighting all those zombies. Or worse...
"You okay?" Ziira asked.
"Oh, yea, I'm fine." I lied. I wasn't fine.
    The first thing that came into my mind was Nico, and I looked out the window at the destroyed town. Nico was waiting for me. All of them were.

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