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Chapter 8                                                 
Why Am I So Dumb                                                                      

It was dark, there were only trees around me I could barely see even with "night vision" in my eyes.
It was frightening. I don't know why I did it. I have to go back and do my job. I abandoned my job for what, to be my own dog, be a wolf, no there was no point in what I did. I must find my way back.
It is day and dark in this forest. How is that possible? I want to go back, oh no Ash probably called Sash. She is probably super worried for Zach. Will they be okay? I must go back now.
I started running into the darkness because Las Vegas was behind the forest and surprisingly the power was still on. I was hoping I could find my way back home and apologize for running away.
It was all my fault. What did I do? It is all my fault why. Stupid Venus why would you run away, you had a job and you abandoned it, there was no point in abandoning it if your owner would die when you abandon it.
I was excited to see the little cabin in the woods again, things all cozy, a wood-burning fireplace, a nice tv show every Sunday, it was the best. Then I remembered all the windows were boarded and we were stuck in the bunker. All I wanted was my life back. I loved it before the apocalypse happened. I was living in a dream with the nice fairy lights in the back on the overhead covering thing, a fireplace in the middle with seats around. There was a pool next to the guest house, yes there was a guest house that was for grandma, she sadly moved last week before the apocalypse. Ash missed her and they had the best relationship.
Good, I am back at the cabin thank god. I was so happy I was back.
"Okay I'm here guys, open the bunker." I said. I noticed that they couldn't hear me so I started clawing at the bunker door.
Zach opened it after them having a debate on who should open it. I ran straight in after he opened it and I ran to his bed. He got scared for a bit but soon calmed down.
I missed being back home, it was dark and cold in the forest. No light came through the top of the trees, it was just all pitch black, I was alone as far as I knew but, I didn't know much. I have only been in Sash's backyard, that's how close I have been to the forest. By the way, her backyard is 17 feet from the forest.
I got the chills when I woke up. They are gone I thought, no they were not gone I was just in the main house...wait. We were in the bunker. Why am I dreaming? I bit my leg trying to figure out if I was dreaming or not, to say the least, I was not, it hurt BADLY.
I didn't understand why the house was all normal. I barked and ran downstairs, I ran into Zach and Ashley. They asked me if I was okay. I nodded my head and looked all through downstairs. 
It was real, the other dogs weren't in the backyard or upstairs, Sasha and the others weren't here, and the first bunker had been locked with the other 3 inside. It was sad to think about but I knew things would be fine.
I barked at Ashley's phone to try and get her to call Sasha, she called Sasha right after because she knew that was what I wanted. I did that also to justify that it was a zombie apocalypse, still.
I really couldn't wait to talk to Sasha and the other dogs, I was so excited. When I was finally able to talk to Sasha she was crying and wanted to just be alone, it made me sad but I let her be alone anyway. I hung up the phone and went upstairs, my life was about to change for the better.
I took a nap then ran into Ashley's car because we were about to have a new member of the family, and Sasha won't own her. The first dog to not be owned or bought by Sasha, oh wait no she bought her and owns her, well the first dog to be picked up by someone that isn't Sasha.
Ashley and Zach went in the car 15 minutes later to go pick her up. I was just waiting for the moment they opened the truck bed and she ran in. My dear little sister, yes she is my sister. Sasha bought her before she was even born but I was so excited to see my little sister. I was dying to know what she looked like.
The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was the bright lights of Las Vegas. I was hopeful since the Vegas power was still on. I was hopeful that grandma was still alive, we loved her so much. Even though I have barely seen her it still breaks my heart to think about her and how she is gone. We all are hoping she is okay, our lives would start tumbling down if she was no longer there for us and to give us advice on how to live our lives.
I had a dream of her during my nap. It was heart-wrenching the dream was of her last day on earth, I truly could not have wanted a worse dream.
Ash hopped out of her truck and went to a house, I got nervous and jumped over to the back seat where Zach told me to stay calm and that he would make sure I'm fine. It calmed me down for a bit but when I saw her. I was going all over the place, poor Zach was just trying to calm me down.
Neptune stepped into the back seat and I was about to freak out but then realized if I was very excited and all over the place she would get scared and run away from me. So I stayed calm and just reassured her that she was in good hands.
Nept looked up at me and said, "It's nice to know that I am with my dear big sister." I started to cry but she started to hug me and I just stopped. It was a magical moment.


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