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Chapter 4                                           
Let's Go                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

I saw a house with lights attracting the zombies. They were all the zombies from Las Vegas I promise.
I started driving again and just tried to not listen to the radio. I have a car and I am only 15 years old that sounds stupid but I got my license early. I got a car on my 13th birthday. I sound so spoiled but I probably am, I think it might be because I am the youngest.
Driving on the road was tedious, nothing was alive. I mainly saw zombies. I stopped for a bit to feed the pups, we were 4 hours into the drive so only 2 hours left, we can do this, I thought.
"I have the sled on the top, right Leader?" I asked. Leader barked at me and shook his head.
I laughed and said, "Thanks bud." I just sighed and drove off. I just kept driving until I ended up at Mia's house. Everyone was already there as I expected but I took my dogs out and let them run around the neighborhood for a bit and went to the door.
  While going to the door I almost set a trap off. Luna jokingly yelled at me. When my dogs came back they went in the car so they didn't set traps off because they were not very vigilant.
I missed Venus. She was my newest dog, after all, I trusted that she was okay with Ashley and Zach. I was getting a call from Ashley again and she said, "Mom, dad, and Victoria are zombies I'm sorry. Venus is okay, Zach come talk to Sasha," Zach hesitated. He was timid even with his family. I couldn't imagine how he was feeling when he finally brought up his courage. He said, "If we die I love you. Venus will be okay we promise."
I could tell they were going to be fine with how they were acting. The way I could tell is because they were assuring me that Venus would be okay and that would mean that Zach would be okay.
I bought Venus as a guard dog for Zach. Zach is one of my favorite people. I have never been connected to anyone in my family except Zach and Ashley. My mom and dad have always been super aggressive to me, the same with Victoria. I am spoiled because of Ashley, she gives me anything I could ever want. She is how I got my car. I could never live without her. I wish I could have brought her along but she had to stay with Zach, if she didn't Venus would be dead right now.


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