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Chapter 6                                           
The Big Fight                                        

I woke up to Trouble screaming at me, I screamed back at her saying, "Shut up we aren't being eaten alive!" She left me alone after that but she started screaming into Lucky's face to wake her up.
I was talking to Hunter after that, we both started laughing our heads off when he said, "Those stupid children." we couldn't stand it. A few minutes later Trouble and Lucky ran into Nico while playing.
I said: "Look now everyone is going to wake up."
They said sorry and went to the corner to cuddle Nico so he didn't wake up right away.
I ran out of the house into the backyard for a minute. I took the "children" with me so they could get some energy out before we had to actually do stuff.
When Lucky, Trouble, and I got back in the house everyone was screaming because Nico woke up. Trouble and Lucky felt so bad so they went downstairs.
I went to check on them a few minutes later. They were watching a blank TV screen. They loved watching tv. It was their favorite hobby. I felt so bad, so I grabbed Sasha's phone and begged Sasha to let them watch tv on it. After a few minutes of begging Sasha let them watch tv. After that happened I went outside again to Mia's backyard. I snuck onto the trampoline which is where dogs were not allowed. I knew if I stayed on any longer than 5 minutes I would be in trouble just like Trouble and Lucky are for waking up Nico.
Nico was only 8 or something months old so if he didn't get enough sleep he would be very fussy throughout the day so Trouble and Lucky were in a lot of trouble. I heard footsteps on the roof and ran off of the trampoline. It was a zombie, they got past the traps. I was terrified and didn't know what to do.
After I stood there for a few seconds I realized what my job was, I would attack. Yes, I was terrified to attack all alone but I knew I would be okay and Sasha was a vet so if I am somehow not okay she can heal me as fast as possible. I mean I am the leader after all. I got this no problem at all.
Oh no. This is not good, I'm in trouble.
"Husky, Trouble, Lucky, or Hunter get Sasha now!" I screamed. After a few seconds, I noticed it was all up to me. I am fighting this mob alone, no one will hear me if I scream. I am going to be okay. I got this, like I said I am the leader they can't move on without me. I will be noticed very soon if I go missing. I will be okay.
Okay, here we go. I started with one zombie, then the next, and the next, it felt like it never ended. Hunter noticed me after I started fighting so he was helping. I could hear Sasha screaming for us, but we were outside and she didn't expect a zombie war. She knew we were missing but didn't think we would be in the backyard fighting a zillion zombies.
After the fight, we clawed at the back door. Megan saw us and let us in. After she let us in she went upstairs, I think to tell Sasha because a few minutes later Sasha came running down.
She rushed us upstairs to bathe us, we were covered in blood and guts. Good thing Trouble didn't help, she hates baths. She would rather not eat for an entire month than take a bath.
After the bath, I went to Mia's room. She had a kinda small room but it was much better to hang out in there than her brother's room where all of us were.
I don't know if anyone missed their family as much as Sasha and Luna. I knew Sasha missed Zach and Ashley, I missed Venus, she was new and I was excited to teach her everything about the world. I don't think we will ever see each other again after how far we traveled, I mean nobody thinks we will ever see her again. Venus is a lost cause, I think I am the only dog to talk about her, none of the other dogs have mentioned anything. She is close to Las Vegas and we are hours away what were we going to do, drive 6 hours back to our house and take Zach's guard dog, no that would be stupid plus if we did Zach and Ashley would die.
She went into the bunker for a reason and that reason was to protect her "owner." Sasha bought Venus to be Zach's guard dog after all. Venus had a job, and she was making sure she did that job, and it was good that she was doing her job because if she weren't Ashley and Zach would be dead, speaking of Ashley, Sasha is getting a call from her now.
Oh no, why would this happen? How could it happen? Was she just scared or worried, I don't understand?

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