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Chapter 9                                           
Heart-Eating Zombies                                
After that whole zombie catastrophe outside, we all decided to take a rest.
"The bed at last!" Penny said as we walked up the stairs.
"Oh!" I yelled "Nico!"
We all ran up into the room. Nico was asleep in his cradle. Everyone was getting ready and I walked up to him slowly pale as a ghost. Worry washed over me like a darkwave. He wasn't breathing.
     "Nico..." I said quietly.
Sasha looked up, "What's wrong?" but I never answered her question.
I shook Nico gently. Nothing. "Nico!" I shouted and everyone ran over.
"Oh my god!" Joana shouted. Tears rolled down my face.
"Nico, wake up! Please!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs now. "No! No! No!" I started doing CPR on him. "Wake up!" The tears rolled down faster.
"He's, Luna..." Megan said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
     "No! He can't be!" I yelled, "I won't let him!"
"Luna!" Sasha yelled and everyone pulled me away from him.
"It can't be," I said quietly, "He was too young, why couldn't I have died, why not me, why him, he was only a baby..."
Gem wrapped a blanket around me and they led me away to a corner. My whole family was gone. Every single one of them. Gone. "We have to have a funeral." I said quietly.
"Would that make you feel better?" Gem asked. I looked at her and nodded.
My heart was gone. The zombies didn't take my brain, they took my heart. My gosh darn heart. If you have ever lost anyone you've cared about, multiply that by 21. My parents, my siblings, My friend's families. That's about 21 people I've cared about. All gone. Now Nico too.
"Well," Penny said, "Let's go give Nico a funeral." We walked outside and Sasha was putting Nico in a box, it hurt me to watch. The rest of us stayed outside for a bit. Even the dogs looked sad. They loved Nico.
Sasha walked out and put the box with Nico in it into the hole we dug when we were waiting. I stared at the little box that contained Nico inside. I will never forget those big bright blue eyes. They were like mine. I would bet money he would have black slick hair like mine too.
Nico was born a month early. He would get sick easily, which killed him. First mom, then dad, then Sila, then Misty, then Ameal, then Lease, now Nico. My whole family.
"Barry him already I can't stand it..." I said quietly, "I can't look at him." Heather hugged me and the rest of the girls grabbed shovels and buried him.
"You wanna say anything?" Megan asked me.
"Tell them I said hi, and I love them." I quietly said, staring at his grave. Everyone looked at me, then I walked back into the house slowly. It was around 6:00 pm, I decided to just go to bed now, I was tired enough. Dead enough.
   . . .

I woke up to a baby wailing. Nico, Calling from his grave. I shot up and slapped myself. I wasn't dreaming. It was real. I kept hearing his muffled shriek. We buried him alive, he was still alive. He wasn't dead. What was happening?!?
"Nico's not dead!" I shrieked quickly and everyone woke up, they looked like zombies themselves.
"What?" Megan asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Listen, you can hear him crying!" I screamed and I ran downstairs and outside to his grave. Everyone followed. I grabbed a shovel and began to dig.
"Where's a shovel?!?" Ellie asked, looking around.
     "Find one!" I yelled, tears rolling down my cheeks. His scream was getting more clear, "I'm coming, Nico!" I shouted moving aside dirt.
     "Wait, Luna Stop!" Came the cry of Sasha. I kept digging and she pulled me away.
"What are you doing!" I shouted, "He's being buried alive! He's still alive!"
"No he's not Luna, listen to me!" Sasha pleaded, "He's dead! That's-" but I cut her off by wiggling out of her grasp and kept digging.
I came across a white shoe box and Nico was inside. He was crying hard. Sasha grabbed my wrist and I dropped the shovel.
"Oh my god listen to me, you idiot! That's not Nico! That's a zombie! He's a zombie now!" I stared at her, I've never been so scared of Sasha.
Tears rolling down my face, she hugged me, "I'm sorry." She said crying and everyone came up and hugged me. The wails stopped and we looked at the grave. The lid was a little bit off, and a tiny mouse crawled out. My pet mouse, Firefly, only there was a problem. He was a zombie mouse.
We all froze and looked at him crawling around the grave. Then we all freaked out and everyone was yelling.
"Shoot it!"
"Oh my god hit it or something!"
"Where's the flamethrower?!?" Megan shrieked.
    We all freaked out as we watched Firefly crawl around on the box that contained Nico.
"Nobody panic!" I finally yelled. Then I threw a shovel at Firefly.
I felt a little bad. Firefly used to be my pet mouse. We all went silent and listened for Firefly's squeaks.
    Was he dead? We suddenly saw him crawl up the shovel and sit on the tip while staring at us with his disgusting rotting eyes. We all froze.
"Maybe it's like a T-Rex," Mia whispered, "Just hold still and he won't see us." We all looked at her in confusion then she shrugged, "Worth a shot."
    We all looked at zombie Firefly sitting on the shovel and then suddenly his FACE opened up and he shrieked at all of us. We all screamed and started running around looking for things to kill him with. All the dogs started barking and Firefly was scurrying around the whole place trying to bite us.
    Mia and Gem climbed up a tree while the rest of us got on the trampoline with the dogs. We quickly zipped the net and Sasha did a headcount.
"Okay, Mia and Gem are in the tree...Luna, Ellie, Megan, Heather, Joana, Penny, Leader, Trouble, Husky, Hunter, Lu- wait where's Lucky?"
    Everyone froze and we looked out the trampoline net. Lucky stood there, wagging her tail looking at us.
"Oh no." Heather said worried.
I suddenly saw Firefly scurrying towards her, "Lucky look out!"
    Lucky quickly pounced out of the way and Firefly was chasing her. Leader started barking and so did the other dogs. Especially Trouble. They were the crazy ones.
"Lucky come here!" Sasha yelled, unzipping the trampoline net. Lucky started running across the yard towards us.
"Oh come on Lucky." I whispered. I don't mean to call out favorites on the dogs, but...Lucky was mine.
"GO LUCKY GO!!!" Mia and Gem shouted from the tree.
    Lucky suddenly stopped running and turned to face zombie Firefly.
"Dog!" Megan shrieked, "What the heck are you doing!"
"Lucky!" Yelled Sasha, "Come!"
    Lucky didn't do anything. It was like Firefly and she were boarded-down having a staring contest. Firefly suddenly shrieked and right before she bit Lucky's paw, Lucky did something that made us all speechless.

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