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Chapter 17                                       
    After the drive up to Tahoe, we were finally at the lab. This one didn't seem as infected, definitely no blood monster...I hope. There was still snow up in Tahoe and the lab was in the middle of the woods. We didn't have much spare clothes, but we tried. I mean, I was in my dad's old camo sweatpants which still had blood on it because I've like never taken them off since the zombie apocalypse started. Joana did find a way to tighten them to fit around my tiny waist, when she was still here at least. I also still wore my black, kind of crop top. That would've been extra cold in the snow but I found a black sweatshirt. It was perfect.
    It was cold out there and Sasha brought out her dog sled and put it next to the car, "Just in case."
"In case?" Mia asked.
"You know, if something happens to my baby."
"Your baby!" I laughed, "I'm gonna one day cover that car in sticky notes."
"It's a truck." Sasha corrected.
"Car, truck, WHATEVER. Let's just get in the lab already."
    We all agreed and opened up the double doors to the lab. It was actually empty, no people, no zombies, no bodies, no cocoons, no blood monster and sac, just science stuff everywhere. This lab only had three floors too, not 15. That made life easier.
Ellie began to make a plan, "Okay here's the deal folks!" She stood up on a table, "Me, Megan, and Heather will work on the first floor with Leader. Mia and Penny work on the second floor with Husky. Luna and Sasha work on the third floor with Hunter, and we're all set! Cure here we come! We're gonna beat those zombies like-Ahhahhh!" She fell off the table and I caught her.
"Very smooth Ellie, you remind me of my retarded dog."
"Oh shut up Luna!" She stood up, "Okay everyone go to your floors!"
"Wait, what are we looking for?" Megan asked yawning.
"Just for anything useful, I'll look at it when we get back in the car."
"Truck." Sasha corrected again.
"Y'all be wrong about her truck! It ain't a car!" Mia yelled.
"It's a loaf of bread."
"What! Really Mia!"
    We all left and went to our assigned floors. Sasha, Hunter, and I climbed up the flight of stairs, my leg was getting better. I guess sitting in the car for an hour helped. We opened the door to the third floor and looked around. It was a complete mess.
"Oh god," Sasha said, "Talk about O.C.D."
"Welp, let's get looking." And walked further into the messy darkroom.
    Sasha went to one side of the room while I went to the other, Hunter just looked around. There were piles of paper and equipment everywhere and I was starting to think this was a storage room.
"Luna come here." Sasha said, opening up a cabinet.
I walked over the piles of junk to her. Inside the cabinet she opened were a bunch of little tubes with a bunch of colorful liquids inside. One purple, one blue, one red. I picked up the dark purple one and read the label out loud.
"'Lizard spit mixed with horsehair and dog fe-' Whoa."
Hunter looked up at us and we laughed.
"Read another one!"
I picked up the orange one, "Um, 'Gomasonbil poison, sharpie ink, dinosaur eyes, shredded skin, and banana peels.'"
"Wait what?"
"I don't know."
"Okay, I'm taking all of these." And Sasha shoved the colorful tubes into her bag. Hunter suddenly barked and we walked over to him.
"What is it boy?" He pulled out a briefcase from the pile. We bent down and tried to open it.
"Dang it, it's locked." Sasha complained.
"Don't worry," And I grabbed out a needle. I stuck it into the lock and it opened, "Haha! Magic!" I said with jazz hands.
"That's not magic dumb-dumb that's called breaking a lock."
"Fair enough."
    We opened up the case and gasped. There were two shots and two little tubes with a dark black liquid in them like the night sky melted into them. There was a note taped to one of the shots. Sasha picked it up and began to read out loud.

    We have tried to figure out the cure to the zombie apocalypse, this is all we have so far. We tested it on a subject and it only worked halfway. Due to the zombies invading this lab and banging on the door to this room at this moment, I am forced to write this note and hide the cure here. For I will be a zombie like everyone else in this lab. I hope whoever is reading this note please save the world and use this cure well, it does not work fully, but find the things that will help. We're counting on you. If you ever meet my wife at another lab, and she's not a zombie, please tell her I loved her. Her name is Dr. Olivia Kahiye. Also, tell her that I'm sorry for making you cry and me running away, I didn't know this would happen. Tell her I've been trying to get to her and find her ever since this happened, and please tell her to tell our kid the stories of me, and that I'm sorry I will not be there for his or her birth. Just tell her I tried. Please, I beg of you, no matter if you're a kid or teenager or old, find the cure. The world needs you, we have it half done for you, you just need the other half.
                                    -Dr. James Kahiye 

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