"I should ask why are you awake but I know better." You smirked, setting the glass aside and resting your back against the counter.

"I can't sleep." Bucky said, walking closer to you.

"Something on your mind?" Swallowing hard at his closeness.

"A certain little someone keeps running through my head. Especially after today." Bucky leaned closer so you had to lift your face to meet his eyes.

"Let's hope they don't get tired with all that running." You shrugged, trying to ignore the hammering heart in  your ribcage.

What the fuck? Why did I say that?

Bucky's warmth enveloped your body once more, making your skin heat. The need to raise your hands and rest them on his chest to once again feel that warmth against your skin grew with each step he took toward you. The blue of his eyes where you wouldn't mind get lost in, locked with your hopeful ones, daring you to look away.

Bucky's heart was beating a thousand miles an hour against his ribcage as he watched your cheeks turn rosy and lit up under the moonlight peeking through the small kitchen window.

You saw his metal hand rise from his side for a second before falling to his side again. Finding concern and doubt in his eyes, you looked down at his metal hand, finding it in a fist as his brow furrowed.

The alcohol coursing through your veins making you not think twice about things when your hand reached for it, taking it in yours.

"What are you doing?" Bucky asked softly, looking down at his hand in yours.

"I'm not scared of you." You cleared your throat.
"I don't want you to think you have to hide from me. You don't ever have to." Finally meeting his gaze. You let out a deep breath before bringing his hand to your cheek, leaning into his touch.
The feel of cold metal against the warm, smooth skin of your cheek sent shivers down your spine, but it also felt...right.

Bucky let out a small sigh, bringing his flesh hand to the other side of your cheek to cup your face. "You're drunk." He sighed while shaking his head. Leaning closer to you so that his breath brushed gently against the tip of your nose.

It seemed like he was saying it more to himself than to you, as if to remind himself of your situation and restrain himself from doing something he's been longing for.

You weren't sure if you'd remember this the next morning, but what you were sure of was the feeling growing in your chest. That feeling that made Bucky's breath quicken every time he saw you in walking around the Compound or every time you flashed him a fake smile. Every time he heard you laugh with the others on the team or every time he saw your lovely eyes light up when you laughed. The red color of your cheeks when you got upset or someone said something that made you embarrassed.

You leaned into his touch, letting out a small sigh of satisfaction at the feel of hot and cold leveling on your cheeks. "And you're being very friendly." You teased, looking up at him.

A toothy smile formed on his lips, making your stomach flip and your eyes widen at the sudden urge to kiss the living shit out of him.

The alcohol. It's the alcohol.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Bucky asked to himself, leaning even closer.

"I-in my room?" You whispered shyly.

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