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Priscilla's p.o.v.


I groan at the sounds of my alarm, feeling lifeless and motionless. Slowly sitting upright on my bed, I stretched my stiffened neck, completely hating my morning.

What use was it? A graduate with no job or nothing to write home about. It's just same marathon of waking up, showering, eating, and going on another endless hours of job hunting. Whenever I even manage to find one, the offers are mostly peanut pays. They only offered money an illiterate will jump onto but a literate,would politely turn down. I'm just so fucking fed up of looking for a job.

My CV has been sent to countless prestigious company but none invited me for even a mere interview. My mom won't stop going on and off on how I'm not getting any younger and need to find a job all sort of craps. Typical African mothers.

After a quick shower, I just went with stripes Palazzo and a black T-shirt boldly scribe on it was the word 'Elevated'. Such irony for my life. With a long deep sigh, I pull out a blueband butter and five slices of bread with a very sweet tea beside it.

I live alone in a small apartment that hardly contain anything but it's better than living in an hellbound of a house with my mom constant reminder of old age. I mean am just 25! There's more to life than getting married and raising kids. Trust me, I don't hate my mom; I mean the woman tried so much as a single mother to make sure I see through all my school years. My dad died when I was 11 and still in my junior school years. I remembered vividly, he was diagnosed with stroke; how a very agile and once strong man becomes someone who could hardly raise a finger was beyond me.

So we all believed he went to rest.

My mom had taken up all the work, paid for my tuition and much more which is why when she use words to piss me off at times, I tried to just zone her out. But when it's became too unbearable, I choose to park out with the help of my bossom friend, Maria.

Maria and I are what people call Inseparable twins. We practically grew up together, went to same secondary school even though we end up parting way for college, we still kept in touch. So right now, we're both done with college and still couldn't find a job.

Blame it on Africans when everything you do or needs must go through a very strong connection.

My mom is neither connected or knows-soneone-who-knows-someone. So right now, I'm just keeping my hopes high that one day, God would do mine also. I pick up my phone and handbag then head for my usual joint. I choose to call Maria, she's the extrovert kinda person and always have one party or the other. I wouldn't want to go over to her place only for her not to be home. She picked up in what seems like the tenth rang. I could hear her groaning in the background- Trust she's still having a sleep in from an overnight party.

"Hey baby, you okay?" I ask even though I already know the answer to that question. "Yes hypocrite I'm fine" She groan, I chuckle lowly.

"I'm coming over-"

"And you need to call to tell me?" She cut in and I can guess she's rolling her eyes at me right now. "You can't blame me for not being sure if you'd be home or at one of those parties of yours"I defend myself, shrugging even if she can't see me. I heard her sigh "Well in thought of parties, I kinda met someone but, it'd leave the juicy part till you get here" And now, I'm tasty for gossip.

"Can you just like throw few hints? We can keep talking till I get there" I hate it when you tell me you have a gist for me but then, I'd have to wait till later before I can hear them. I mean you shouldn't have told me at all and just wait until later when I get there. "Chill baby, when you get here you'd hear them and please, can you buy me sardine bread when coming over? I'm starving and still in bed" She grumbles the last part out.

"I d-"

"Pretty please" She begs then added "Stop being so close-fisted"

I frown at that. "You know this isn't being close fisted. I'm just penurious" I says after I finally caught sight of a bus and get into it. "You remember that phrase 'a friend in need is a friend indeed? Please baby" She coo, I sighed knowing I can't win her in these. "Okay" I finally give in. I hear her squeal in the background.

"I love you. See you soon" Before I could reply she already hung up. A small smile crawl up to my lips and I shook my head at her childish act. Typical Maria.

After the not too long drive to her house, I finally got there and now, we are sitting on the couch and randomly talking about high school life. "I was your knight in shining armor! You remember when your ass almost got beaten up because you refuse to help Noah cheat in class?" Back then, I won't smile as I am at the memories. Noah was my bully in school. He likes everything going his way. He's authoritative and intimidating with big muscles so yes, I was scared of him shitless. He had almost beat me up because I refuse to help him pass his textbook just few miles away from my desk under the piercing eyes of the invigilator. I could have been suspended. But he hated being told no.

He had doubled cross me on my way home with his goons. Threatening and spilling gut out of his mouth then Maria came out of nowhere, hands full of sand and a white small bag in the other. Before I could blink an eyes, she's already throwing sands at them and ushering me to run.

We barely escape them but still manage to get out in one piece and ever since then, we became Inseparable. I was still laughing my eyes out at those memories as Maria keeps revealing most I've forgotten about when my phone ding.

I pull it out and what I read beneath it left me starstruck. It's was an invite from a company called 'ZARA BUSINESSES AND ENTERPRISE".

And I fucking was invited for an interview?!.

Before I could stop myself, I was already a screaming mess, showing off different kinda dance styles I never knew I could do. Maria seem confuse and took my phone from me, her face light up when she saw what was written.

Her scream was louder than mine as we begin singing in a cat dying voice. Just dancing and screaming our voices out.

This right now, is a lifetime opportunity for me and I can't lose it. Never!


Please vote and comment it's really would encourage me to write more. I love y'all and look forward to your votes.

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