I speed walked so that I could catch up with him but slowed down once I saw a guy in all black getting down the car staring in the direction Leo was walking.

I took in the situation and fished out my phone out dialing to 911 immediately.

"Hello? How may we help you?"

"There's this guy trying to kidnap my friend so please come to the Barnard University as soon as possible.... I'll try my best to make sure that the kidnapper won't run away."

"Okay we will be there!"

The police on the other line said in a hurry and started calling for the other officers and then the call got disconnected.

I gritted my teeth glaring at the guy now walking behind Leo ready to attack him.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and took a deep breath running towards that guy who has a handkerchief in his hold making me run faster.

I pushed him onto the ground as his face hit the ground, hard but I didn't care instead took his hands pinning them behind on his back.

He tried to get out of my hold but I tightened my grip glaring at him. I glanced up at Leo to see him staring at us both on the ground with a shocked expression on his face.

I looked down at the guy as he pushed me away running towards Leo who fell down on his butt in shock staring up at the guy running towards him.

I stood up grabbing the guy's jacket and pushed him down again leading his face to hit the concrete pavement once again and he let out a scream.

I held onto him tightly placing my knee on his back and glared at the car parked a few feet away from where we are. I could see the person inside the car looking in our direction but once he saw me glaring at them he turned around and the car zoomed away in a second.

My eyes trailed down memorizing the car number and saw the car turn to the right at the corner getting out of my sight.

After a minute or so, I saw a police car coming our way. Three police officers got down the car with two of them aiming gun at the guy on the floor while the other was holding handcuffs.

I looked back at Leo who was sitting on the ground silently crying with people crowding around us to witness the scene. I got up after I made sure the police made him stand up and cuffed his hands together.

The handkerchief was now in the hold of one of the police officer who simply placed it into a small zip lock bag.


I said standing walking towards the people crowding Leo who continued to sob silently. I clenched my jaw growing annoyed with each passing second and shouted at them to leave and mind their own business.

I sighed as they started to walk away while whispering to one another. I bend down taking Leo into my embrace.

"T-Thank you."

He stuttered with tears rolling down his cheeks continuously. I let him lean his head on my chest and felt my shirt getting wet due to his tears but I didn't care as it's not the concern right now.

I heard someone clear their throat and remembered that the police officers are still here. I instantly looked back to see two of the officers pushing that bastard into the police car and sighed  looking at the police in front of me.

"I need to investigate you regarding a few things related to this case."


I lift up Leo as he immediately hugged me again circling his arms and legs around my body. I felt my heart beat raise but ignored it setting him down on the bench.

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