It seemed fair enough to her, but she didn't want to say how much she disliked the subway. The smells, the closed space, and the crowd of people tended to overwhelm her. But she definitely didn't want to complain to him and look annoying.

The mass of people became thicker until they reached the crowded steps down the subway and she struggled to keep up with him. Losing him here would be disastrous as he hadn't told her where they were going so she didn't know which subway to take.

They reached the platform without her losing sight of him and they arrived just in time to catch the subway. The car was pretty full already so they had to stand close, which felt a little awkward to Ava but she tried to ignore it best as she could while looking at the people around her.

She'd never seen a group of people as diverse as the one in front of her and she tried her best not to stare at each individual. There was a woman with a bright orange knit hat with spiky hair poking out from under it. A man with a walking stick decorated with Christmas ornaments even though Christmas had long passed.

There were two kids struggling to sit still while their mother kept a close eye on them. A man in a neat suit was fast asleep in a corner, making Ava fear he'd miss his stop.

And every time the subway reached a station a good portion of the colorful bunch of people was replaced with a new group, giving her new people to stealthily stare at.

It took a while for them to arrive at their own station, and when they did Sébastien nudged her with his arm to indicate they'd have to get out. This one wasn't nearly as busy as the previous one, making it easier to follow along with him.

The first thing she did after arriving above ground again was take a breath of crisp, fresh air in an attempt to get the musty subway air out of her lungs. It was windier here, too, she noted. There weren't many skyscrapers around either and she could only spot them off in the distance when she looked back.

"We're almost there," he said to her, making her nod. The environment was a lot different from what she'd seen of the city so far as she found that she didn't dislike it at all.

As they got closer to their destination she could faintly hear music playing and she wondered what was going on up ahead. The low sun shone directly in her eyes, making her squint yet hope she didn't look annoyed or anything.

The music got louder until she suddenly noticed the unmistakable rails of a rollercoaster and she realized they'd arrived at an amusement park of some sort.

"An amusement park?" she asked him.

When he turned to her there was an excited, but hopeful glint in his eyes. "You do like amusement parks, right?"

"I don't know, probably?" she replied. Everyone was supposed to like amusement parks, right? They were made to have fun at so she doubted she'd have a bad time.

"Don't tell me you've never been to one," he asked her, all glints were gone from his eyes and replaced with a serious look right at her.

"I just never really got to it," she admitted. There were worse things to have never done, like eating at a Burger King probably.

"No one's ever taken you?"

"No, I wouldn't know who anyway."

The excited glint in his eyes returned in an instant before he answered, "Glad be here when you go for the first time, then."

"I'm glad you're here too," she admitted sheepishly, before realizing what she'd said. But the blinding smile she got in return made her feel too good to feel embarrassed. Before she could say anything else he'd slung his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against his side.

"Let's go then," he said before starting to walk again, pulling Ava along with him and making no move to release her. They were close enough where she could smell his manly cologne and it was interfering with her brain activity.

She wished they'd never arrive at the entrance so he'd never let go of her, but unfortunately, her moment ended when the entrance came into sight and he had to let go of her.

Only then she realized what the gesture could've meant, or what it could not have meant. It confused her, it felt like an intimate gesture, yet it was something she could've read completely wrong.

What if he only had friendly feelings? She knew at one point Justin had slung his arm around Sébastien's shoulders, and she doubted the two of them were romantically involved in any way.

But he was still her boss and she internally reprimanded herself for allowing her to feel this way with him again. She'd already decided it was a bad idea to feel anything, so why couldn't she just stop? Her body betrayed her every step of the way and every time she thought she had it under control he had to touch her or even talk to her and she'd feel that way all over again.

It was messing with her head and she didn't know how much longer she could ignore it, or if she even wanted to ignore it at this point.

They'd reached the entrance now, and she could only fear in what ways her body would embarrass her in the coming hours.


Hi guys! New update!

Chapters one to 32 are up on my patreon if you want to check it out!

Did you guys like this chapter?

Seems like some person is starting to get comfortable with another person o,o.

See you guys next chapter!

xx May

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