5. "You really are the devil."

Start from the beginning

"Nicely?" I asked, glowering at him.

"Nicely." He drawled, giving me a threatening look.

I picked it up, forcing a fake smile and placing the cup nicely this time. "Better, your highness?" I asked with fake sweetness.

He glared at me and raised the cup to his lips. Taking a sip, he put it back on the table and pushed it towards me. "It's cold. Get me a new one."

I scowled at him. "It's hot."

"Not as hot as I like it. Get. Me. A. New. One."

I huffed, forcefully grabbing the cup and storming out of the room to get the dickhead a new coffee. Soon, I returned with a brand new cup of coffee. After placing it nicely on his desk, I awaited his reaction.

I hope you burn your tongue, you ugly monster.

He isn't ugly though.

His heart is. If he even has one.

I had done some research on the internet about this cold-faced jerk. Everybody praised his extraordinary looks and wisdom. But his accomplishments, looks and status weren't the only things he was popular for. He was well-known for being the classic play-boy. Always spotted with a new woman. The man did the dirty with just about any woman, including his employees, the thought of which made me want to gag. I wondered if he held the same opinion of me. That he could easily get me in his bed anytime he wished.

If he thinks so, I'm going to punch his face black and blue.

"If you're done daydreaming, let's head to the conference room." Blayze's angry voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I glanced at his cup and found it empty. "Okay." I said.

He walked in front of me with one hand shoved into his pants' pocket, and I followed suit. In the conference room, he sat at the head chair and I took my seat near him. After professionally greeting everyone and sharing a few words, he stood up, grabbing a remote in his hand and turning the projector on to begin his presentation.

I opened my notebook to take notes, listening attentively to him. Now that he was standing before me, I took into account how immaculately he was dressed in a navy blue tailored suit that fit him perfectly. His body language screamed confidence and power, as did his speaking skills.

As he spoke, I realised that people were right about him being intelligent. He was very eloquent and well-informed, and the presentation he had made was actually the best presentation I had ever seen.

Are you getting impressed by him?

Not him. Just his work.

An hour later, Blayze winded up his presentation and formally thanked everyone in the room before allowing them to leave. I stood up along with everybody else and watched them leave one by one.

"I took the notes." I told Blayze.

"Okay. Grab that file for me." He pointed to a file at the other end of the table with his head, before typing something on his phone. I nodded my head even though he wasn't looking at me and walked to the other end of the rectangular table.

Much to my embarrassment, I tripped over one of the chairs and landed on my hands and knees with my butt up in the air. I stayed in the position, blinking in shock. A pair of feet stopped right next to me. I glanced up to see Blayze staring down at me.

My cheeks heated up when I realised the awkward position I was in. Hurriedly, I pushed myself back onto my feet, grabbing the edge of the table for support as I stumbled slightly.

Blayze continued staring at me with an expressionless face, before extending his hand forward, making me press my back to the table, thinking he was going to touch me. But his hand reached for something behind me.

The file that he had asked me for.

As he flipped it open, he spoke, "are your legs always defected or is it just today?"

I looked at him angrily. Ignoring his stupid remark, I said, "anything else you'd like me to do, Mr. Colton?"

"What's next in my schedule?"

"You have a meeting in your office with Mr. William Smith in fifteen minutes." I replied. He was the CEO of Smith's Enterprises, another renowned company, but not as big as Colton Enterprises or my dad's company. And according to what I'd heard, it was nearing bankruptcy.

"Go wait for me in my office. I'll be right there." Blayze said, for once, in a normal and civil tone. I nodded my head and was just about to exit the conference room, when he called from behind, "and try to not kiss the ground again."

Looking back, I could see humour dancing in his hazel brown eyes. I bit my tongue to keep myself from talking back to him and proceeded to leave the room.

A Blaze In My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now