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IN THE AIR, Carson and Vision were currently flying around, dodging the attacks the other sent their way. Vision launched himself towards Carson in attempt to grab him but before he had chance to make contact, Carson grabbed hold of the android and pushed him away.

"And Wanda said we were friends?" Carson huffed. "You sure have a funny way of showing it."

Vision flew back around to face Carson and shot a beam at him from the new stone in his head. Carson's eyes widened when he realised what he was doing and he quickly dodged out of the way, the beam burning a small tear in his shirt.

"I mean, come on, what are we doing?" Carson opened out his arms as he spoke. "Let's just go get a drink, hm? It seems like your going through something—"

Vision flew forwards and reached to grab Carson by the throat. Carson blocked the attack by raising his hands up to his neck, forming a small barrier with his powers that encased Vision's hand so he couldn't come any closer.

"Wanda Maximoff must be neutralized." Vision stated. "You must be destroyed."

Carson let out a grunt and blasted Vision backwards. "A no then."

As Vision began to fly towards him, Carson used both hands to shoot a large beam of his energy towards Vision's chest. Once it hit him, Carson aimed his hands towards the ground and pushed Vision down, him flying downwards too so he could continue forcing the android to the ground.

Vision hit the road below with a thud and Carson landed on his feet, looking down at all the rubble that had piled up due to the impact.

"You done?" Carson panted.

The rubble began to move and Vision stood up making Carson let out an annoyed groan.

Vision brushed some dirt off his shoulder. "Stand down Mr. Swan."

"Now where's the fun in that?" Carson shrugged. "I could do this all day."

~~ ᗢ ~~

WANDA lowered herself onto the ground in the town centre of Westview, her eyes darting around the area to try and catch a glimpse of Agatha. All she could see was the civilians and a few of her neighbours going about their day. Everything seemed to be normal, no one being in distress.

The mailman drove past Wanda in his van and beeped his horn a few times to catch her attention. "Don't shoot." He joked. "I'm just the messenger."

Wanda's head cocked to the side in confusion. "What—"

A sudden hit to her back stopped Wanda from talking and she hit the ground. She let out a groan and propped herself up with her hands, turning around to see where it came from. Wanda's eyes narrowed when she saw Agatha stood on top of one of the buildings and she quickly got to her feet.

"Wanda, you've never been up against another witch before." Agatha grinned. "Did you know that there's an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold?"

Wanda rolled her eyes and brushed off Agatha's words, having no clue what she was talking about. Not that she cared much anyway.

"That's the book of the damned." Agatha continued. She waved her hand and the book suddenly appeared in front of her, it opening up right on the chapter she was talking about. "The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantation."

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