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Avengers compound | 2023.
Day of Hex creation.

THE DOOR to the lab burst open, making Bruce and Tony look up to see who it was. Tony let out a huff and paused the hologram projection that he and Bruce were studying before walking around to the other side of the table.

"Could this wait?" Tony asked. "I don't know if you can tell, but we're kinda busy here trying to figure out a way to help my s—"

"She's gone."

Bruce furrowed his brows. "What? Who's gone?"


Tony shrugged. "Well maybe she just went out to get some fresh air?"

"She knows."

"She, uh..." He blinked a few times as the words sunk in. "She knows... what?"

"Tony, she knows."

Tony looked back over at the person in the doorway, his eyes narrowing slightly as he connected the dots. "You told her."

"I had to!"

"No, what you had to do was try to take her mind off things while I figured everything out!" He groaned in annoyance. "I just needed a little more time so I could show her that letting SWORD help Carson was our best option. That it was his best option."

"We should've never been lying to her in the first place!" The person shouted. "She told you multiple times that she didn't want him there but you wouldn't listen!"

"Are you serious right now?" Tony scoffed. "I'm trying to help him! We've been trying to fix whatever those damn stones did to him for two months but nothing— nothing I seem to do works!"

"It doesn't justify lying to her! God I should never of even gone along with it... what if she's right? What if we shouldn't of took him there?"

Tony clenched his jaw. "This is the only option we have left. He's... he's my son! I'm not just going to sit around and do nothing when there's people out there who have a chance at helping him!"

Bruce shuffled awkwardly. "Uh, guys, maybe we should calm down."

"Tony... I understand that you and Carson have more history than he and Wanda do... but it doesn't mean that you get to dismiss her when it comes to this situation!" They countered. "She's hurting too."

"You think I don't know that?" Tony continued. "You think I like seeing her sitting in that medbay day and night? Hearing her cry? Watching any hope she has left slipping away? I'm not just doing this for him, I'm doing it for Wanda too! I'm trying to look out for her!"

A blonde woman joined the others, leaning in the doorway and looking over at Tony in distaste. "Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it."

Bruce scratched the back of his head. "Okay let's not... do that."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Alright, you've been here for what, five days? And you're already running your mouth?"

"Aw, he's sensitive." She faux frowned. "Maybe if you actually—" The blonde was cut off by a smack on her arm from the person to her right, their way of silently telling her to shut up.

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