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ONCE TONY had been checked over in the med bay, they all regrouped back inside the compound. All of them were scattered around the room looking at a table that had a hologram coming from the middle, displaying the faces of those who were lost the day Thanos snapped.

"It's been two months, since Thanos came down to earth." Rhodey was the first to break the silence.

"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do, Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures." Natasha sighed.

Carson looked up from his spot at the table, turning his attention towards the holograms of peoples faces. His eyes came to a stop as he noticed the picture of a certain redheaded girl.

Wanda Maximoff. Status: deceased.

He swallowed thickly and instantly averted his eyes somewhere else. It was only a picture, yet he couldn't seem to bring himself to look at it, to look at her.

Carson didn't realise how tense he had got until the sound of something snapping caught his attention. He looked over at his hands, letting out a breath when he saw a now very much broken pen in his hand.

He dropped the pen and looked down at the table, avoiding the multiple sets of eyes he could feel on him. With a small sigh, he lifted up his head and looked around at everyone with a blank expression as if nothing happened.

"Are those images really necessary right now?" Carson said blandly.

The rest of the team looked around, their gazes flicking between each other, Carson and the images. Once they caught on to what was bothering him, Steve grabbed the remote and flicked it onto something else.

"Sorry about that." Steve apologised.

Tony wiped his hand over his face. "Where is he now? Where?"

"We don't know." Steve answered. "He just opened a portal and walked through."

Tony scoffed and wheeled himself closer to the table, as he was still in the wheelchair Rhodey brought in for him. His attention was brought to the side and he looked over at Thor who was starting down at his hands.

The god had been the same as Carson, barely saying a word to anyone for the past two months.

"What's wrong with him?" Tony asked.

Rocket glanced over at Thor then turned back to Tony. "Oh, he's pissed. Thinks he failed. Which, of course, he did... but there's a lot of that going around, ain't there?" The racoon moved his gaze over to Carson as he said his last sentence.

Tony raised a brow at the small jab that racoon took at Carson. "Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear."

Although Carson didn't move his eyes from the floor, a soft chuckle still managed to leave his lips at Tony's comment. Natasha seemed to notice and couldn't help but smile too, it had been months since she'd heard that laugh.

"Maybe I am." Rocket shrugged.

"We've been hunting Thanos for weeks on end now. Deep space scans, satellites, Carson has been doing a lot of work too but... we've got nothing." Steve folded his arms, looking down in defeat. "Tony, you fought him—"

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