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IT HAD BEEN AROUND THREE HOURS after the whole encounter with Vision. Everyone had gone back to their rooms in order to get some sleep before the battle they all knew what about the go down. Tony had escorted Wanda and Pietro to two spare rooms in the compound so that they could rest too. Despite everything that had occurred that day, everyone managed to get to sleep pretty easily, except one person.

Carson shot up in his bed gasping for air, sweat dripping down his forehead. Ever since Wanda had got into his head the nightmares came back, but this time they were a lot worse. He could feel everything, every prick, every cut, every burn. It was always the same thing, He always woke up in the dreaded white room restrained to a chair, the two hydra scientists injecting him with more of the serum that felt like poison.

Once he had taken in his surroundings and calmed down a little he took a deep breath, got up from his bed, threw a shirt on and left his room to go into the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen and made his way over to the sink, grabbing a glass and filling it up with water.

"Get it together Carson." He mumbled, placing the glass down and gripping either side of the counter. He was trying to forget about the nightmare but her couldn't. The images were still running around his brain.

The sudden sound of the floorboards creaking and light footsteps snapped him away from his thoughts. He stayed looking down at the counter for a while to see if the person would make themselves known but they didn't, in fact he could practically feel their eyes burning into the back of his head. He took a moment to figure out who it was and once he did he turned around.

"Are you stalking me, Maximoff?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly.

Wanda stepped further into the room looking down at her hands, fiddling with her rings. The light from the moon now hitting her, allowing Carson to see her more clearly.

He raised his eyebrows at her. "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Shouldn't you?" Wanda spoke, finally looking up and meeting his eyes.

He let out a slight laugh before saying, "I was thirsty." He pointed his head towards the glass of water on the counter. "Plus I uh, couldn't sleep so."

Carson stared into space as images from his dreams starting flooding back into his head again. However, the sound of a light gasp coming from the girl in front of him brought him back into reality. He looked up towards Wanda and clenched his jaw tightly at the sight of her red eyes, he knew instantly what she'd done.

"Stay OUT of my head, witchy." Carson warned her. Wanda's eyes quickly returned back to their normal colour and were soon were locked back down to the ground.

"I'm sorry... I didn't m-" She rambled before taking a deep breath and starting her sentence over again. "Your thoughts are just very... loud."

Carson scoffed, "You really just can't help yourself, can you?" He leant up off the counter and began making his way out of the kitchen. Not bothering to look at Wanda as he walked past her.

"I can take them away you know.. the nightmares." She practically blurted out, hoping it would be enough for him to turn around.

Carson stopped in his tracks and glanced at her from over his shoulder, waiting for her to give him more information.

"Your nightmares..." Wanda cautiously shuffled closer to him. "They're getting worse because of me and what I did back at the Fort."

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