09 | 𝐒𝐎𝐊𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐀 [𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞]

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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING and everyone was getting ready to leave the tower and travel to Sokovia. Carson was in the equipment room getting changed into his suit, grabbing a few combat knives off the rack and placing them in the holders on his belt.

"Everything you need should be in the equipment room down the hall." He heard Steve say from in the kitchen.

A few seconds later, the twins entered the room. He glanced at the pair over his shoulder, they looked completely lost and had no idea what to do with themselves.

"Just take what you need, I guess." He gestured towards the different lockers around the room.

"And you're sure you're father doesn't care?" Pietro asked him.

Carson furrowed his brows in confusion then placed his foot on one of the benches and began tying the laces of his tactical boots. "My fath- You mean Tony? He's not my father."

"Oh, I just assumed, you two have a very father-son like bond I guess." Pietro shrugged.

Carson nodded and began tying his other boot.

"So do your parents not mind you being here, doing all this?" Pietro asked, trying to keep the conversation going. He never really had friends and he figured that if he and Wanda were going to be staying here then he better make a start, even if he was still a little angry at Carson for what he did back at the shipyard.

Wanda noticed Carson's jaw clench at Pietro's question about his parents. Although she barely knew Carson, she could tell that by his reaction it was clearly a touchy subject and that something had either happened to his parents or something had happened between them and him. She was leaning more towards 'something had happened between them and him' if they was dead then he'd probably have a slightly different reaction, a more sorrowful one, she did know that one a little too well after all. But his reaction, the look on his face... was more like anger and resentment than sadness.

Wanda elbowed her brother in the arm and shook her head at him, silently telling him to stop talking. Pietro rubbed his arm and furrowed his brows at his sister.

He eventually took the hint and walked over to one of the lockers, picking out a top and some running shoes. Pietro saw a red jacket scrunched up behind some other tops and threw it at his sister.

Wanda caught the jacket and looked at it. "Isn't this someone else's?"

Carson placed his foot back on the floor and stood up right, turned around to face the twins. "Yeah it's Nat's."

"Oh sorry, here you-" She started, holding out the jacket for Carson to take it.

Carson was quick to interrupt, shaking his head at her. "You can keep it, Nat hasn't worn that thing in months."

Wanda nodded and proceeded to put the jacket on. Carson raised his eyebrows slightly at her, a small smile making it's way onto his face. Pietro looking between the two with his face scrunched up.

"Suits you." He simply said, before walking out of the room and making his way to the jet.

Wanda let out a slight chuckle at his comment and watched as he walked out of the room, biting the inside of her cheek to stop her smile from growing any more. Once he'd left she turned back around and saw Pietro already looking at her with his arms folded and an eyebrow raised.

"I don't know what that was, but I didn't like it."

Wanda started fiddling with her rings. "He was just being nice P."

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