01 | 𝐆𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐅

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THREE WEEKS HAD PASSED since the battle of Sokovia. Since then the team had gained new members consisting of: Vision, Wanda, Rhodey and Sam Wilson. Thor had returned back to Asgard and Tony had decided to go home back to Pepper and spend some time with her. He of course invited Carson to go with him as the two thought of him as one of their own.

Carson stayed with them for a few days before deciding to return to the compound, mainly because he needed to get back to his training, although it seemed like he had control over his powers he knew that he had so much more to learn about them. And then there was Wanda.

Before he left to go stay with Tony and Pepper, she would barely come out of her room. Everyone went to check on her from time to time throughout the day buy she'd just turn them away insisting she was fine. They all knew she wasn't but didn't want to push it. She just needed time to grieve.

Since he'd returned, she had pretty much been the same. Wanda would come out of her room to get food at different points in the day and take it straight back to her room. Her and Carson would share the occasional glance as they walked past each other in the hallway, but other than that they hadn't spoke since Sokovia. It's not like he wasn't trying to make an effort, it's just that she never stayed in a room long enough for him to start a conversation. And from what he'd heard, she didn't exactly like having visitors so he didn't try.

It was around 11pm and Carson was in one of the training rooms, taking the wraps off his hands as he'd come to the end of his late night session. Once he'd dabbed the sweat from his face with a small towel, put on his shirt, grabbed his water bottle and flung the towel over his shoulder making his way back to his room. As he arrived at his door, he glanced down the hall at Wanda's door. She hadn't left her room all day today, not even to get food. He had a debate with himself on whether he should go and check on her but he eventually decided not too. It was quiet in her room so he figured that she was sleeping and he knew that it wouldn't be right to disturb her from any possible comfort she was getting. So instead, he returned back to his room and decided to take a quick shower before grabbing something to eat.

After he'd finished getting changed into some fresh clothes, he opened his door and started to make his way to the kitchen. As he walked past Wanda's door, he picked up the quiet sound of a muffled sob coming from inside her room.

Carson stopped walking and turned around, staring at her door. He sighed and decided that this time he was going to at least try to talk to her, he couldn't just leave after he'd heard that. He made his way over to her door and raised his hand, quietly knocking. The crying suddenly came to a stop, and he could hear a few sniffles before she spoke.

"Who is it?" She asked, a slight tremor in her voice.

"It's Carson, I just wanted to check up on you." He responded.

It was silent for a few moments and he stood there, contemplating of whether to say something or not. He rubbed the back of his neck and opened his mouth but before he could speak the door clicked and slowly opened, her red wisps surrounding the handle. Carson stepped inside and quietly closed the door behind him before turning around.

Wanda was sat on her bed with her legs crossed and a pillow in her lap, her TV playing to itself. Her arms were resting on top of the pillow to cover the small wet patch she'd left from crying into it as she didn't want anyone to hear her, which clearly didn't go to plan. Carson frowned as he looked at the girl, her face was covered in marks from crying so much, her eyes were all puffy and swollen and she was practically shaking.

"I don't mean to intrude-" He began.

"You don't?" Wanda bluntly asked him.

He made his way further into the room, leaning on her desk. "You caught me there, I guess I did intend to come in here so."

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