Unlucky Seven

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Naruto stood silent as his sword fell from his burned hand, the blade piercing the concrete like paper; Naruto fell to his knees, the pain of his burned hand unbearable, biting his lips trying to stop a scream from escaping his mouth, his hand on fire. Everyone's eyes widened as they saw the outcome of the battle. Karin fell to her knees, a massive slash across her torso, blood leaking to the floor.

When he looked down at his hand, it felt like it was burning from the inside, with his skin crawling and burning, and his skin had turned bright red like blood.

Hayate moved forward; Karin had fallen on the floor but clearly still breathing, but despite the pain, she didn't scream; she didn't show weakness or pain in front of anyone. I will never show weakness, she thought with clenched teeth, her right hand touching the wound, raising her right arm in front of her mouth, moving her sleeve away; she bit down hard, almost making her own skin bleed, and the wounds healed, much to the shock of everyone.

As Naruto slowly rose to his feet and looked around, he noticed that Karin had completely recovered from his attack, with the wound itself almost completely disappearing from her skin as if it had never happened. Naruto was taken aback, as he had never heard of such a thing before.

Naruto clenched his teeth in pain; his hand began to bleed profusely. He realized he needed to release his Healing Fuinjtsu and raised his left hand in preparation to use it and fight once more.

However, Karin was panting because, despite healing the wounds and alleviating the pain, the amount of chakra required to perform her Kenjutsu move had depleted the majority of her reserves.

Returning to the audience, Sasuke's attention was drawn to Karin, whose cursed mark appeared to have returned to normal, and the red-headed girl didn't appear to be a monster any longer. The Uchiha survivor wondered if this was due to Naruto's attack or if her chakra had run out altogether.

That kind of power?! What is that? Sasuke asked himself, and he couldn't help but compare himself to her; even with Sharingan, he doubted that he could defeat the Uzumaki girl when she had used her strange, cursed mark.

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Naruto's chakra restoring health to his wounded hand; she knew next to nothing about medicine, but she recognized that the way his skin had turned bright red indicated a bad situation.

On the outside, Kakashi maintained his composure, but on the inside, he was worried about Naruto's hand, knowing that Naruto would need more than just a simple bandage.

Ashara looked at Naruto with concern, but she also looked at Karin with curiosity; she was aware that the Uzumaki clan possessed a variety of different abilities, but being able to heal wounds of that nature was something she had never heard of before.

No wonder the other villages feared our clan, she thought to herself; looking down at her hand, she wondered how far can an Uzumaki go when it came to abilities to enhance themselves.

Ash could tell that if it were anyone else, they would have lost consciousness by now, but Karin was able to use her cursed mark, get wounded, turn back to normal, heal herself, and remain on her feet until the end of the battle.

Naruto better gets this over with as soon as possible, she reasoned.

Tsunade, couldn't help but be impressed by the Uzumaki girl's ability. Her ability is very similar to Byakug's, except she can heal others as well, Tsunade reasoned, wondering if there was some kind of side effect to the user when they used it to heal someone else.

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