A Father

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Kyuubi looked at the little brat after he answered why he was still here. He grew angry and started releasing KI at the brat. The effect was immediate. The brat fell on his knees, finding it very hard to breathe. He was sweating heavily, He growled, and his growl was heard throughout the whole room.

"Why do you think I would want to be your friend Brat?" Kyuubi asked furiously, showing his teeth to the brat.

The little boy was panting. It took a whole minute for the brat to catch his breath and slowly stood on his legs, finding it hard to even stand on his legs. Naruto eyed the Kyuubi. He took a huge breath and, to Kyuubi's surprise, took a step forward and looked at his eyes sadly.

"It hurts doesn't it" The brat whispered, but Kyuubi heard him. He narrowed his eyes, showing his teeth again, and he released a furious sigh.

"What are you saying brat?" He asked with a firm tone and showing power in his voice. The water on the floor looked to be shaking because of his voice and power. He was still leaking a small amount of KI, which made the brat start sweating from his face.

Sadness suddenly took over Naruto's face. "It Hurts. It hurts to have no one you can call friends or family. To be surrounded by hatred your whole life. I have toad - Jiji and Hokage- Jiji but still, I know how it feels to be hated and alone," The brat yelled with a sad tone as a tear was rolling down his cheek and fallen on the wet floor. His chest was high, and looking directly at Kyuubi's eyes.

Kyuubi wanted to say something to the brat. But the words had stuck on his throat. His throat felt dry. He knew the brat had a point. His father had told them to help the humans. But they all wanted nothing else but power. Just power to destroy everything else, their greed was endless and wanting nothing else but more and more power, that's why their wars never ended.

They kept killing each other and would continue to do so for the rest of the days. Or until they all die. Kyuubi remembered his father very well and always felt longing and sadness when he recognised him, the only one to see them as creatures with souls and feelings. And not as tools to be used for nothing else but power.

Kyuubi looked at the kid again, his blue eyes like ocean looking at his very soul. Almost like he was judging him.

"I know none of us wants this, I didn't want you to be sealed inside me and I'm sure you would want the same. But I know that you're not just a creature of hatred. You have feelings like everyone else, so yes I want to be your friend" Naruto finished with a grin, and that reminded Kyuubi of both Kushina and Mito Uzumaki. He was sealed in both of them, but they didn't want his power. They never tried to control him; that was something Kyuubi respected in the Uzumaki clan. They were peaceful people.

Kyuubi couldn't remember the last time he felt anger and little happiness at the same time. He felt angry because he hated humans and happy because the kid in front of him looked at him for a living creature. He could feel Naruto meant what he was saying and not just saying empty words like almost everyone else.

Kyuubi stood up on his fours and strolled to the end of his cell. His whole figure was visible, and Naruto looked surprised to see how large he was. Now he understood why people said a single tail of the Kyuubi was strong enough to destroy a mountain.

Kyuubi looked down at the brat; he knew himself that the brat had suffered. Hell, he even remembered bad things that not even Naruto could remember that ever happened. Before, it just reassured him that humans were the real monsters and not them. To hurt a child and smile like you just did something incredible.

Kurama looked at Naruto's figure, evaluating him; so far, he thought of Naruto as a smart kid with a cool head on his shoulder.

Father, you said We should help the humans. I will give this brat a chance, Kyuubi thought with a sad smile on his face remembering him much to Naruto's surprise.

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