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The forest was singing with the song of birds; suddenly, a shadow jumped fast from tree to tree, followed by two larger shadows. The small shadow jumped faster and hid behind a bush; the two big shadows looked around, trying to find the damn cat.

While all this was happening, a shadow was staring at the cat; his blue eyes looked like ice.

"Are you in position, pinkie?" Kakashi asked, bored.

"I'm not pinkie, and yes, I'M in Position", she shouted, annoyed by the nickname.
"I'm in position too, and don't you dare use that nickname", Sasuke suddenly said, not wanting to hear his Sensei right now.

"Very well. Emo," Kakashi whispered with a chuckle.

Sasuke grunted in annoyance but decided to ignore it for now.

"Naruto, you there?" Kakashi asked the redhead but was met with silence; even Sakura and Sasuke found this strange.

Kakashi was about to ask again when the young Uzumaki spoke.

"Got the Cat", he suddenly said. They all exchanged looks before dropping down and seeing the Devil. Tora. In Naruto's hands, he was softly caressing her, and she purred at his touch, her eyes closed and enjoying the moment.

Kakashi had a raised eyebrow since he didn't remember anyone else ever to be able to have any chance to touch the cat without the risk of losing an eye. But knowing Naruto's bright Aura and the way how animals, in general, felt relaxed in his presence, he shouldn't be that much surprised.

Sasuke looked surprised but didn't care much about the stupid cat, and he was sure that cat was an Evil Spawn.

Sakura, on the other hand, looked surprised and annoyed. "How can you do that?" She exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Naruto, whose eyes suddenly became red; Sakura felt her knees weak by his gaze and shut her mouth. Tora screech at Sakura.

Kakashi sighed, bored of Sakura, who keeps trying to undermine Naruto; he really didn't understand what Hokage-Sama was smoking when he decided to put Sakura in Team 7.

The young Uzumaki had tried to help the banshee, but no results.

"Sakura, you have to stop chasing Sasuke," She had just turned up to training with Naruto late, once again because of a hunt for Sasuke, who had unsurprisingly eluded her; she had no idea where he kept going.

"Why? You want me to date you, do you? Sorry well, it's not going to happen," She said spitefully, thinking of Sasuke.

Naruto laughed out loud at her words and slapped his knees. After calming down, he looked up at her. "Why Would I care for your attention? I mean, seriously? You keep trying to undermine and talk all the time about how 'Awesome' Sasuke is! Why would someone ever in my place want your attention?!" Naruto asked with a hint of irritation.

Sakura kept quiet and slowly lowered her head in shame and embarrassment.

"You can do whatever you want, Sakura, but if you wanted to become a Shinobi just to be with Sasuke and no other reason, then you're pathetic," he said with a cold tone that could freeze an ocean.

Hokage Tower

Soon they returned to the Hokage to announce that they completed their mission to chase the devil cat. Tora was quickly snatched by a woman who bone crushed the poor cat; Naruto felt bad for Tora while she desperately tried to return to the hands of Naruto.

"Thank You, Hokage-Sama," she said, gave the old Hokage money, and left through the big door.

Sakura smirked at the torture the poor cat was receiving while Sasuke kept a stoic face and not really showing that he enjoyed her punishment after hours of chasing her all around the Village.

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