Phoenix Sage Mode

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The scene changed again; right now, it showed Uzushiogakure, it was raining, and streets were forming small lakes streaming down. People were inside houses.

The young Uzumaki turned with a sad face, and he could see from Roku's face that he felt sorry about that memory. Almost like an old wound.

"What happened to the town?" He asked, hoping he wasn't bringing up more bad memories.

"After that day, My father became wary of people, but we still trained people on how to use Chakra. The town didn't thank us. They still hated us, and we never returned in that town again," Roku spoke with his closed eyes, pinching the bridge on his nose.

Opening them, he sighed sadly. "What did you understand with what I showed you?" Roku asked with a hint of seriousness, looking directly at Naruto's eyes, almost sizing him up.

"That I should rebuild Uzushiogakure because everyone can call home, a place no one is judged by the sins of another" Naruto started thinking of Konoha. Roku just stared at him for a few seconds and kept silent.

Roku said nothing and turned to look in front of him. "I want to show you something about the Phoenix Contract, something you will need to know if you want to complete your Phoenix Seal, The Phoenix Sage Mode," he said, pointing at the seal on his wrist.

"I have one question? How can you show me your memories? Can you show me memories of others?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"I sealed half of my soul in the seal. I can show you my memories, but not the memories of others," Roku said with a pained look, already knowing what the young Uzumaki was thinking.

Naruto lowered his gaze for a second before turning to look at Roku again, and he didn't need to know about it. His face turned into a frown. But almost like Roku could read his mind.

"You wanted to see the memories of your mother", he stated as a matter of fact.

Naruto looked ready to protest, but the knowing look on his face showed that he knew what he was thinking.

After a few moments, Naruto nodded his head; he hoped to see his mother, and maybe even his grandparents of his mother's side. Roku smiled at him and placed his hand on his shoulder, making Naruto look at him.

"I know how you feel. My mother passed away when my siblings and I were still young. But never forget she's always with you; as long as you remember her, she will never be gone," he said, placing his hand on Naruto's heart.

The redhead smiled and quickly nodded his head. Roku smiled back, and the scene changed again.

Now they stood in the far end of a big hall; in front of them was a large enough hall for around 50 people, tables were around the hall with a large table above all others. Tables were sat near the walls; the centre was empty.

In the centre stood who Naruto recognised as Roku; despite having white hair and a long white beard, he looked younger.

"My lord, the lands of Wave have been attacked again; our allies and prince Dayno Uzumaki need our help," a man said respectfully towards their leader.

Outside young Roku looked calm, but inside he was fuming with anger; a few clans of the lands of StrongStone had started attacking the borders of Wave Country, stealing and raping, and killing even the children. The small villages like Shymono, and Reako, were found slaughtered. Burning houses and corpses were lying around.

The Uzumaki clan has an alliance with Wave and Summer Islands(Kiri); Wave had sent a letter wanting help, Prince Dayno was fostered in Wave for an alliance, and Roku would never let their allies down.

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