Broken Soul

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Naruto - After Two Days

The sound of wind moving the branches of the trees relaxed him; his eyes closed as he took a deep breath. The birds were singing his favourite song, one standing on his shoulder, and his sound was on his ear. Naruto felt at peace amongst nature, and the grass was caressing his legs crossed in the ground. He could hear the water moving in the lake, and he listened to a fish jumping from the water, like wanting to show himself. A smile spread on his cheek as one more bird landed on his red hair and used his legs searching through his hair, almost thinking that his hair would be a beautiful little house to lay her eggs.

Suddenly the bird flew away, as Naruto's body filled with Kurama's chakra. His nails started growing slowly; his whiskers grew, his hair looked to react from his chakra, they got spiker, his teeth slowly grew, and he looked sharper. Naruto slowly opened his eyes, but instead of blue ones, they were red like blood.

Naruto felt his body grow stronger, even more than when he unlocked his chakra for the first time. He slowly stood up on his legs, and he noticed the wind was harsher now.

"You're doing well, Naruto. Give it five years, and I'm sure you can start using one tail worth of chakra," Kurama complimented as his chakra slowly washed away, and Naruto turned back to normal. He wished Naruto to start using a bit of his chakra if anyone stupid enough decided to harm him. But at the same time, not too much chakra since Naruto was still young.

Naruto nodded his head and suddenly fell on his knees, panting; he felt exhausted after accessing that much chakra. He wished Kakashi sensei was here, but he had gone to another mission, much to Naruto's surprise since it hadn't been a long time since he returned. Still panting, he decided to lay on the grass. He used his right arm as a pillow, and the grass touched his chin slightly; he felt relaxed again and slowly caught his breath.

"Kurama, you didn't tell me, this would happen", Naruto accused, but his voice was half-joking. Kurama smirked inside him.

"Well, you know what they say, 'No pain, no gain'," Kurama replied but feeling relaxed, he slowly closed his thinking but thought was not leaving his mind. What is this feeling? Why can Naruto have this kind of effect on the nature around him? Kurama thought, slightly angry since he thought of himself as intelligent, and not having answers wasn't something he liked, but at the same time interested. He then noticed that Naruto had fallen asleep.

Kurama opened his eyes slightly to see the trees around him slowly growing, full of life. He liked it more like this, Jiji? You said we should help humans, and I think this one is worth it! I wonder if he is the one you talked to us about?! Kurama asked himself and then thought about his brothers and sisters. He knew all of them were sealed like him and thought if their Jinchuuriki is like his or is just some bastard who only wants their power.

Naruto was sleeping quietly in the grass; three birds were resting on his back. They didn't look scared of him; the sun was shining, making everything brighter. A shadow slowly moved towards Naruto.

"You found a good place to sleep, my boy" the voice of the old Hokage was heard. He noticed that Naruto didn't react to him and was still sleeping; he wondered why he would be so tired to sleep out here. His eyes looked at the grass around him that looked to have grown, and he put a hand on his chin, wondering, 'Why?'. He decided to ignore it and think later about it. Hiruzen slowly kneeled and picked up Naruto gently, trying not to wake him up. He shunsin away to his apartment. Opening the door, Hiruzen could see everything was in its place. Nothing was in the middle of the carpet or just stuff left around. It was clean. He smiled and saw two opened scrolls lying on the table near the couch. He saw a wooden kunai near the scrolls.

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