The Forest of Death

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All the genin teams arrived at training ground 44, where the second part of the chunin exams would be held.

Naruto was standing with his teammates, observing everything around him. There were a total of around 23 teams that were going to be taking part in this round. He was also waiting for further information on what they were going to do in this round. He could see some chunin and jounin level shinobi standing there. But what got his attention were the Anbu officers that were present.

One thing he realised was that this round was not going to be easy like the last one. He had heard quite a lot about this particular training ground. It was dangerous, and only chunin and above level shinobi had permission to enter the field. But he didn't know what made this training ground so difficult.

At that moment, Anko decided to announce the rules and couldn't wait to see just how many would die. "Welcome to training ground 44, also known as the forest of death. My name is Anko Mitarashi, and I will be your proctor for the second round. Before we begin this test, I have something to hand out to you all."

She took out forms from her jacket and continued, "These are just standard consent forms. Before the test, you all have to read over this form and sign it."

Yugito asked in confusion, "But, why do we have to sign it?"

Anko smirked, and her tongue licked her lips slowly, making many male Shinobi blush, and not mentioning her arms were crossed under her bust, making them look bigger. "There's a very high chance of death involved in this. Some of you may not come back, and by signing it, you agree that you will be taking part in this round at your own risk. Neither I nor the leaf village will take responsibility if anything happens to any of you in the forest." She said while grinning evilly.

Most of the genins gulped after hearing her say that, and some of them hesitated to continue the exams.

Anko noticed that Naruto wasn't paying any attention to her; while she would bet all her life saving's that Naruto would reach the Final, that didn't mean that the brat shouldn't pay her attention.

Her hand reached a kunai; she knew Naruto would probably see her doing this; he was trained by Kakashi for four years after all, but where was the harm in having some fun.

She threw the kunai towards his left cheek with an evil smirk, but Naruto suddenly put two of his fingers and caught it mid-air. Many genins around gasped at seeing him catching a kunai with that speed.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes slightly. He hadn't seen the kunai coming, while Sakura looked horrified, her eyes searching for whoever threw the kunai.

Anko suddenly appeared behind Naruto, her impressive bust pressed against his back; Naruto couldn't help but blush slightly from the close contact with his big brother's lover.

"I see you weren't paying attention, little brat, those that don't usually are the first to die... Slowly" she whispered in his ear and dragged the word 'slowly'.

Naruto chuckled at her words. "You don't need to worry, Anko-chan, after all, Big bro Kakashi did train me", Naruto replied and feeling malice intent coming from behind them.

Naruto's muscle tensed immediately, something Anko noticed and moved away; her eyes saw Naruto glaring at someone behind her.

Her eyes glanced behind to see a woman; at first glance, she looked normal, but Anko couldn't help but feel uneasy at her presence. She also noticed someone standing close to her, a male with what she thought were white hair since he was wearing a round hat, covering his head, with little snake figures hanging at the edge of the cap.

The hat was made of straw, with a thin white rope around the top.

Anko walked back to her old position. Most of the students hadn't noticed her or Naruto eyeing the grass Shinobi team, except a few who had glanced in their direction and seeing nothing amiss except a certain Iwa Shinobi.

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