The Red Sword

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Chapter 68 (Unlucky Seven), Chapter 69 (Fuu of The Seven Tails) and Chapter 70 (Blood in The Air) are already available for Patrons.

She felt her chakra spike, her whole body burning, she felt dead, all she could feel was the pain, a pain that never left her, despite everything, she was always always someone's else property.

Her chakra turned from blue to black like night, scaring almost every genin around her.

Why can't I feel Him? Karin asker herself, she always could feel everyone's chakra but she couldn't feel Naruto's chakra.

As she felt more pain, her eyes welling in tears, Why did you have to leave us, Tou-san, everything would be alright right now?? We would be home together...

' "Karin," She heard her mother's voice calling out to her. It sounded it a bit different from usual but ran to her as always.

"Yes mother?" A red haired five year old made her way to her mother. She saw  that the front door was opened and that they had a visitor. A visitor  from the village they were staying at. 'What do they want now,' she thought sadly. 'Can't they wait for my fathers return?'

Her mother turned now to face her with tears in her dark red eyes. "Karin,"

The small girl ran to her mother and embraced her tightly. "Mom, why are you crying?"

The woman held her daughter tighter. "Karin, your..." She pulled back and faced her daughter. "Your fathers back,"

"Dad is back?" She shook her head in confusion. "But I didn't sense his chakra this morning, I would have welcomed him at the gate."

"He's outside," the village spoke, she looked up to the dirty man and didn't  like his tone. He sounded annoyed and bored to even be here at their  small house.

"Outside?" Her mother refused to let go of her and this scared Karin. "Mom I want to see dad, is he okay."

She felt tears start to form in her eyes. 'Why....why do I feel sad...why do I sense something bad....'

"Karin," her mother held her once more and she felt her shake.

"MOTHER!" Karin finally screamed. "Let go of me I want to see my father!"

With all her strength she had she escaped her hold and ran past the villager who stood at their door.

Her mother now was on the floor crying and whispering her father name.

Karin  looked outside at their dry front yard and saw two other villagers next  to a cart. They looked at her and proceeded to bring out a body which  was covered in a white blanket.

They dropped the body on the floor and left.

Karin stood in shock as the body's hand had not been covered and she saw that  on the index figure was a ring. A ring similar to her mothers. A ring  that was promised to be hers one day when she would be older.

A ring that her father had promised to give her at her wedding day when she would become older.

"N-No....." She ran to the body, afraid to uncover the face but she had to. She had to know.....

With her small hands she uncovered the face that was covered in a not so clean cover.

She saw bright red hair such a she own, she saw the lips had been darted with dry blood. The body's eyes were closed.

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