A Genin

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Four Years Later

The morning sun shined down on the world from a clear, nearly cloudless sky. It was another one of the beautiful days the Land of Fire was known for. The songs of birds and the cries of cicadas could be heard flowing along with the slight breeze that flowed through the area as the forest critters went about facing another day of life.

As the sun rays bathed the land in its light and warmth and the sounds of nature echoed through the land. The Hidden Leaf Village looked bright; people had woken up and started doing their jobs, opening the stores and the restaurants.

The students of the Academy were making their way towards the Academy. Today was the Genin Exams; many were excited to start their journey as Shinobi, dreaming of saving important people and defeating the bad guys. But one wasn't walking towards the Academy.

The said boy was in the training yard, his head leaning against a tree, his red hair reaching his shoulders with two fangs that reached his ears. Naruto had his eyes closed, and a leaf slowly started falling from the tree to his chest.

Naruto now was 13 years old, and he was wearing a maroon jacket with the symbol of Uzumaki on the back, with a blue shirt underneath, his sword lying close to him. Naruto's face looked sharp; his blue eyes looked even bluer, his muscles could be seen, his six-packs and developed chest gave him a look of superiority. He had grown extremely handsome. Many girls in the Academy looked at him with literal hearts in their eyes.

He wore blue ninja sandals and white pants. His weights on his legs had gone from 350 pounds to 700 pounds on his legs and 650 pounds on his arms.

The leaf on his chest slowly turned ablaze and burned, his eyes changed from blue to red; despite using Kurama's chakra, his chakra wasn't leaking; no one could sense him unless an excellent sensor was around. The grass around him slowly burned to ash.

After a few minutes, Naruto's eyes turned normal, and he opened his eyes to see the forest full of life. He stood up and tightened his sword on his hips, his hands behind his head; rubbing his hair, he looked up to see his sensei.

"The academy has started," Kakashi sensei said, looking down at him. His orange book in his hands and read it before glancing at Naruto again.

The redhead didn't mind his sensei reading the book; he knew what it was about but never read it himself. To say Naruto was surprised when he understood what Jiraiya-sensei did when he said 'Research' would be an understatement.

He didn't like his sensei peeping on bathhouses but still didn't try to tell him to stop or anything. He had his hobbies just like everyone else.

Despite all that, Naruto liked to spend time with the older man. His job didn't let him spend that much time with Naruto; that's why the redhead enjoyed his moments with his godfather.

"Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei, no matter how much I train with you, I will never be late", Naruto replied with a slight smirk and was ready to go to the Academy. Kakashi laughed a little at his words and eye smiled. "You never know, after all, you know what they say. 'You become just like the company you keep around'," he replied and gave him a thumbs-up before disappearing and leaving leaves behind.

Naruto smiled and started walking towards the Academy.

After Tsunade had arrived back in the village, Jiraiya-sensei had stated that now he could spend more time on his spy network since Naruto had his godmother around, toad-Jiji still visited but only once 7-10 months. Naruto had been sad to hear that, but still, he understood the importance of his work.

After Jiraiya had left, Kakashi had asked if he wanted to train, Naruto had accepted smiling at his old man sensei . . .

Of course, Naruto hadn't stopped calling Kakashi an 'old man' despite his complaints and murmuring that the new generation had no respect whatsoever. Naruto just grinned at his complaints. Kakashi-sensei had taught Naruto a few fire jutsus and trained him in Taijutsu; Kakashi always liked to train with Naruto.

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