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2 Days Later

Jiraiya was looking as his grandson was reading books about the clans of Konoha. He was reading about The Senju Clan, how they were able to make trees and how the first Hokage was able to build the whole village.

The book also mentioned important clans from other countries, but that was on the last pages. Jiraiya sadly knew that book had nothing about the Uzumaki clan, but he would tell Naruto himself once he grew up a bit more.

Jiraiya liked the way how Naruto was every time he would read; it reminded Jiraiya of Minato. But spending time with Naruto, he could see what Naruto had gotten from Kushina. He was a caring person like her, one who cared about the precious people more than anything else. But he also looked collected and not hot-headed, or maybe Jiraiya just still hasn't seen it yet.

Naruto had already read all the books Jiraiya had given him about Ninjutsu and chakra. He still had to read about Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu. But his godfather told him he needed to know about clans as well, and for their bloodlines.

Naruto, of course, had asked many questions like 'Why no other Senju can grow up trees' 'What is a bloodline?' 'Could The second Hokage really pull out water from the air itself?' And many other questions.

Jiraiya was happy that Naruto was so interested in books. He had already made a deal that a toad would come to Naruto every month with new books. So Naruto wouldn't get bored and would have something to do and spend time, but this thought reminded Jiraiya that he would have to leave tomorrow morning and do his duty as a spy.

That broke his heart; he wanted to stay here, but the village needed information for every possible threat, and he wanted to know more about the damn Akatsuki. Jiraiya thought to take Naruto with him, but he was afraid that being out there might bring Naruto unwanted attention. And not to mention was dangerous. Naruto was still only three years old for crying out loud.

Jiraiya was a Sannin and was known throughout the five great shinobi villages, and if the word spread that he had a child with him might make things worse. Sure he would be there to protect him, but people might figure out he's the fourth's son since he looked a lot like him. Spiky hair, except Naruto, had red hair like his mother. And Jiraiya knew he couldn't be with Naruto all the time.

Hell, some people might understand immediately he's an Uzumaki and might try to kidnap him because of his Uzumaki Blood. Like how Kumo tried with Kushina.

Jiraiya wasn't sure how he could even tell Naruto that he would leave, and he knew he wouldn't be back for at least five months.

Jiraiya sighed sadly and moved closer to his grandson. Naruto felt the sad feeling coming from toad-Jiji, so he decided to shut the book, and his blue eyes went to his godfather.

"Why are you sad, Toad-Jiji?" Naruto asked, not liking him being sad. Jiraiya was slightly surprised that the kid could tell he was sorry.

"Nothing Naruto, how about you and I go outside tonight, I want you to visit a place," Jiraiya said, smiling. Naruto knew there was something wrong but decided not to ask questions. Naruto wasn't sure if going outside was a brilliant idea since people didn't really like him. But he knew his toad-Jiji was there, so there was no danger.

Naruto quickly nodded his head with a bright smile, brighter than the sun itself and got up from his bed and walked closer to his godfather, who was leaning against the wall. Jiraiya smiled at him and walked close to him. Jiraiya leaned his hand close to Naruto. He quickly grabbed his hand, and to Naruto's surprise, Jiraiya pulled him up and made him sit on his shoulder.

"Wwoooohh," Naruto said, excited and slightly scared. He felt bigger now and put his hands on Jiraiya's hair and held tightly. His godfather saw Naruto grinning like never before.

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