Seven Tails

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Hokage Tower

Hearing the council complaining about 'Nothing' at all was slowly driving him mad. He couldn't understand why he was even here, why was he needed. Sarutobi thought they wanted to hurt Naruto, but he knew two Trustworthy ANBU was watching him. He knew they wouldn't let him out of sight, and he was safe. He pinched the bridge on his nose, his eyes roamed around the council room and stopped at his old friend, Danzo. They both were old shinobi, good at hiding their emotions, but Sarutobi could tell that something was up. Just the way the edge of his lips was slightly upwards worried him.

He remembered that Naruto told him about the emotionless ANBU spying on him when the first attack happened. Hiruzen hoped his eyes were playing tricks with him, but he couldn't help but have a bad feeling on his gut that something was up with this council meeting. Kakashi was away in an S-Rank mission, leaving Bear and Cat to protect Naruto if needed.

Sarutobi had received a letter from Jiraiya informing him that he would arrive soon; he hoped he had answers for Naruto's chakra. He had read a few scrolls and books and found no answers, not good enough answers. He remembered and heard from Tobirama-sensei that nature itself looked to react from Hashirama's mood and his chakra. That was proof enough for Sarutobi to believe that Naruto had Senju blood, but the question remained, "How?" and Hiruzen found no answers.

He glanced at the photo of Minato hanging on the wall. The old Hokage wondered if his successor had any secrets that he didn't want anyone else to know. Thinking about Minato made him remember how Naruto felt if he was happy here? The old Hokage was no fool, and he knew his surrogate grandson wasn't happy. No, he needs a family, but who can give him that.

Minato, What would you think about the village you gave your life for? What would you feel about the way they treat your son? Sarutobi asked himself and decided to ignore it; for now, he put that question at the back of his head and focused on the pointless council.

"Hokage-sama?" One of the civil council members asked, looking at the Hokage. Sarutobi narrowed his eyes at his tone, leaking his KI, showing who was in charge here. The man looked to get the message as he put his hand on his chest and tried to catch his breath. His colour was gone from his face. White as milk, and his hands shaking.

"Yes," Hokage replied quietly, his hands clenched together in front of him. Another man close to him suddenly stood up. "What he wanted to ask? Was what Will We do with The Demon?" The man asked with a disgraceful tone. The old Hokage closed his eyes, his hands clenched tightly, and his shadow looked to grow behind him; his eyes couldn't be seen.

"Next time you refer to Naruto like that, will be the last time you talk", Hokage promised; the air became cold for everyone in the room. Even Danzo was sweating slightly from his forehead.

The man fell back on his seat, his face white as snow, his mouth hanging open. The old Hokage glanced at everyone around the council room to see if anyone wanted to 'sleep'.

The silence grew in the room; Sarutobi moved away from his pipe and decided to move to the next topic. "Anything else?" He asked, wanting to end this pointless meeting. A few moments of silence followed, and even the clan heads started looking at the civil council; one of them moved his elbow to one close to him.

The man looked to wake up and opened his mouth to talk when everyone suddenly felt a surge of power, and it came from outside. Every ninja in the room stood up, looking at the windows when the power stopped. It disappeared as fast as it appeared despite feeling it only for a short moment. The old Hokage recognised Naruto's chakra. Without a second thought, he moved his fingers, and three ANBU showed up. "With Me", he ordered and left through the window in a hurry.

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