Mount Myoboku

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Opening his eyes, he was met with light shining on his face; everything seemed blurred; Naruto quickly put his hands in front of his eyes to see clearly. His blue eyes roamed around, noticing that he was in a weird room. The walls were brown and weren't vertical like they usually are. The walls looked almost bent, making Naruto wonder how this house even worked. He could smell the scent of something boiling inside his room. His eyes went to a pot that looked made of something of dark colour, beneath fire burning boiling whatever inside.

The smell came from it, and Naruto wondered what was inside. His eyes turned back to the open 'window' where the light of the sun came from. It wasn't a window, more like a hole in the wall. He slowly stood up and looked outside to see the bright blue sky, which put a smile on his face, but he immediately noticed that he wasn't in The Hidden Leaf here. The grass and ground were the same; he could see a weird tree that looked like big leaves raising from the ground. In the tip of them was a small hole and water came out, falling in the lake.

Naruto wondered where he was, but he couldn't shake the weird calm and relaxing feeling he was getting from this place. His eyes then turned to look at some giant Toad statues; he slightly scratched his cheek, wondering what kind of place was this. He closed his eyes but couldn't feel anyone around.

The door opened, and Naruto to see a toad looking at him; for a moment, he just looked at him and closed his eyes tightly, thinking this was some weird dream.

"You woke up Naruto-boy", the toad spoke, much to Naruto's surprise. His eyes widened; talking with Kurama made the situation less weird, but still, he didn't know who was this toad. He noticed the toad was wearing tiny clothes.

Finally finding his voice to talk, his blue eyes turned to look at the toad's yellow ones. "Who are you?" Naruto asked the toad.

"Oh Jiraiya-boy hasn't talked about us, my name is Fukasaku", the toad introduced himself. Naruto's understood who the toad was; his godfather had told him that he had the toad summoning contract. But at the same time, wondering where toad-Jiji was, why he wasn't here, and where even he was in the first place.

Noticing the hesitation, "you don't need to be afraid. And Jiraiya will come soon, he was even the one who brought you here", he explained, and Naruto nodded his head in understanding.

"Kurama? You there?" Naruto asked, wanting to know if furball was asleep.

"Right here! Where else would I be?" Kurama asked with an open eye looking tired.

"Oh okej, just wanted to know if you were awake", Naruto replied mentally and turned his eyes to Fukasaku, who was looking at the pot cooking something. He turned to look at Naruto. "How about something to eat? Until Jiraiya-boy comes here," Fukasaku suggested, and Naruto nodded hungrily.

"Yes, Fukasaku-sama", Naruto replied respectfully and kneeled in front of the toad who was smiling at him. Naruto could see the same smile he saw from Toad-Jiji, Hokage-Jiji, and tou-chan.

But Naruto wondered why he couldn't feel the toad; he could feel the emotions but not the chakra inside him, making him wonder if the toad even had chakra or maybe a different kind.

"Naruto, he's using Sage chakra, you can't feel him", Kurama replied inside his head, now fully awake.

"Sage chakra, what's that?!" Naruto asked, interested in what that meant.

"Is chakra from nature itself, you will be able to feel his chakra only when you can use sage chakra as well", Kurama replied.

Naruto nodded in understanding and felt something touching his shoulder; escaping his thoughts, he saw Fukasaku touching him with a cane.

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