"I am happy for you, infact we all are happy for you that you finally fell in love. Kookie is perfect for you. You both deserve each other." Namjoon said after a while. Namjoon's words seem to have brought everyone out of their trance. They immediately congratulated their friend, after all its not everyday their friend fall in love. They knew what a big deal it was for Taehyung to fall in love. 

None of them expected this day to come ever, but now that it has they were all happy. They decided to forget everything else for now and to just be happy for their friend. All other problems can wait for now. 

"I never thought in a million years that you'll fall in love my soulmate. But you better not forget me just because you're in love now. I am still and will always be your soulmate, you better let your Kookie know that." Jimin said hugging his friend. 

"Who are you?" Taehyung joked earning a punch on his face from his soulmate. 

"Ouch, now you're definitely not my soulmate. I am terminating your contract." Taehyung said holding his face. 

"Do you want another punch?" Jimin asked ready to punch him again while everyone just laughed at their silliness. And that's how they spend the whole night laughing and teasing each other. None of them slept that night. They knew they were gonna look like zombies in college tomorrow but for now they didn't care.

It was 6 in the morning when they decided to go to bed. They all decided to  just crash at Taehyung's apartment. Taehyung was in his room getting ready for bed. He got freshened up and changed into his pajama before getting into bed. He smiled thinking about his kookie. 

"It won't be long before you'll be in my arms again my love." Taehyung promised himself before falling asleep with a smile on his face. It was 10 in the morning by the time they all woke up and got ready for college. Taehyung was eager to get to college. He was missing his kookie like crazy. As soon as they arrived, he ran inside. 

Classes had already begun since they were late, but who cares. Taehyung made his way to Jungkook's class and looked inside. But to his disappointment he wasn't in the class. He kind of expected Jungkook to not show up today, but it still didn't stop him from feeling disappointed. It means now he has to wait to see his baby. But it's alright, he'll wait. For now he just decided to go to his class. It was during lunch when they all met up. 

"So what's the plan?" Suga asked as soon as everyone was settled. 

"Well we know for a fact that Jungkook was fine when I left him in his class. He attended the first two periods, but skipped the 3rd period which means something happened during that time after which he left college. We need to find where he went during that time." Taehyung finished explaining. 

"That should be easy, we can check the cctv footage inside the campus to see Jungkook's movement. I can easily access that using my press club credentials." Namjoon said making everyone relieved. 

"Then what are we waiting for?" Taehyung asked getting up. They all looked at their untouched food and sighed before getting up and following Taehyung.

So now here they were in the computer room checking the footages of previous day after Namjoon used his excellent speaking skills on the guard who gave them 10 minutes to get what they want. 

"We just have to watch where he went after second period." Taehyung said to Suga who was working the system. 

"Shut up and let me do my job." Suga said annoyed at his friend who was giving him instructions. Suga expertly moved his fingers on the keypad skipping through all the unwanted footages and stopped at the footage of the corridor outside Jungkook's classroom. They watched as Jungkook stepped out of the classroom, Suga kept jumping from one camera to next following Jungkook. They saw him enter the washroom. They couldn't see inside the washroom because there are no cameras there obviously. Suga fast forwarded to the part where Jungkook exits the washroom and they noticed that he was in there for a good 20 minutes.

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