Logan Sargeant [Wildcard]

Start from the beginning

"Don't be so needy." Logan growls lowly and smacks your ass lightly as a punishment but keeps his fingers inside of you to scissor them and wide you a bit for the love balls. When he seems to be satisfied, he pulls his fingers out and you have to supress and unimpressed whine because you do not want to be punished harder by him.

You hear the familiar sound of the lube bottle opening knowing what will follow. Logan coats the love balls with the liquid before he presses them against your entrance. In the beginning you tense up a bit, not letting them enter but after some soft reassuring from Logan you manage to relax, and he can easily push them inside. You whimper at the unfamiliar feeling inside of you, but it still feels great.

Logan helps you up from the bed and to your feet again, already satisfied with the effect the balls have on you. You need to supress a first angelic whimper when you feel yourself clench around the balls and how your lust slowly builds up as soon as you move.

"Oh, what I forgot to tell you. They vibrate and I can control them over my phone." Logan grins cockily at you and your eyes went wide. This is going to be a long evening and you do not know if you will be able to keep it quiet in public.

You to leave the house in time, going to the car where you have to wait for a second because the love balls already fuel your lust enough to make you crave for more. Logan opens the door for you, knowing exactly that you already struggle a bit, and he is excited for the rest of the evening. He presses a kiss to your cheek before you let yourself sink into the car seat, whimpering when the balls move and stimulate some new spots.

"I turn them on, on a low setting now so you can get used to it." Logan announces to you and after you confirmed his suggestion with a nod, he taps on his phone to turn the vibration on. Your fingers curl around the hem of your dress a whimper leaving your lips when the soft pleasurable wave brush trough your body. Logan observes you for a moment before he starts the car with a cocky grin spread on his lips.

The drive to the restaurant feels like ages but it helps you to get used to the vibrating balls inside of you. When you finally reach the restaurant, you can still feel them, but you feel like you can go trough the evening, acting as normal as possible with them inside of you.

"Remember you can stop as soon as you feel uncomfortable." Logan remembers you before you before you enter the restaurant. He wants to try out your boundaries but does not want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way just because he wanted to try something you never did.

"I trust you." You smile up to him in response and it is the truth. Knowing that Logan will push you to the limits but would never do something which could hurt you in any way. Taking a last deep breath before you enter the restaurant helps you to concentrate and make yourself ready for the evening.

In the beginning everything is fine, Logan keeps the love balls on the same level, and you nearly think he forgot them but of course he hasn't. Just when the server brought away the plates from your dinner Logans leans over to you to whisper into your ear.

"Let's see how good you are at keeping it quiet." He grins at you and presses a soft kiss into your cheek, making it seem like he is just flirting a bit with you. You can watch how he unlocks his phone under the table, showing you the app, which is connected with the love balls. A mischievous grin spreads on his lips when he slowly raises the intensity.

Your eyes went wide when the vibrations suddenly hit you with so much more force than before. A look onto Logans phone shows you that he has turned them up to level 5. You need to supress a high-pitched whimper because there is so much stimulation right now that you could come within just a few seconds.

"You want to come?" Logan asks you, his hand massaging your tight while he watches how hard you press them together, knowing exactly that you are close to falling over the edge. As much as you want to come this is not the right place to scream out your lust.

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