Thirty Six Part Four

Start from the beginning

All inside the manor house had been dusted, scrubbed and polished. Over half of the furniture had been removed, stored away to make the rooms less cluttered.

The staff and Violet had worked side by side, choosing the more sturdy pieces of furniture, as fragile, spindly pieces would not weather rambunctious children very well.

Violet had been inspired. His pleasure at finding the inside of the manse, behind all the clutter, to be much as his uncle Damien's home, had made it easier for Violet to picture what he ultimately desired.

He left some of the rooms and planning for Betsy, as he did as much as he could in the short amount of time he had been able to invest so far.

By now, the staff all recognized the tall, handsome man who roamed their halls. They all recognized Violet's voice, smooth, caring, and authoritative, one and all could tell he would not be a hard master, yet, he was a decisive one.

All approved of the new young master and his ideals. The staff being of a lesser class, most of them had their own extended family that resided in the town of Shelly, they welcomed the opportunities for more souls to be employed at the estate.

The thought of being able to help unfortunate children from below their own stations in life, also appealed to them, most of them having grandchildren, or children of their own. Those that did not, still had younger siblings, or nieces and nephews, and the thought of them being cold, and hungry, was not a pleasant one. All of the staff were willing to help children who were.

Violet found that he had the complete approval and enthusiasm of the staff, as they began to suggest their own ideas and offer him advice.

Violet's appreciative
smiles were beyond stunning, flummoxing many a maid, be they sixteen years or sixty.

It was to this home, and to this staff, that Violet brought his bride.

Violet watched as the boys ran towards the stables, the groom coming out to greet them, waving at Violet, as Vi returned the gesture.

The boys would be supervised as long as they were around the animals. ️Violet had spoken to the grooms, and also to Marcus's hired men. They had assured Violet the boys were welcome to visit the barns and stables, and learn how to care for, and be safe around the creatures.

Violet had a feeling that the boys were headed to the stables to try to weasel a visit with the puppies, but he knew the groom would watch carefully over them.

Violet placed his hand at the small of Betsy's back, "Shall we?" He inquired with quirked brow.

Betsy reached up
and traced Violet's brow with her fingertip, she loved that brow of his, not to mention the things it did to her stomach when he used it on her. "Yes, let's do."

Betsy could tell Violet was excited to show her inside, and she found his excitement was contagious.

Violet guided Betsy up the steps to the wide landing, crossing it quickly, Violet swept the grand door inward, allowing Betsy to enter the foyer.

It was wide and welcoming, and had a new touch that had not been there before.

Between two doorways, a small shelf now ran along the left wall, halfway up, with two dozen hooks that ran in a line below it. "For small coats." She smiled up at Violet.

"And hats, mittens, scarves, each child shall have their very own place. And there is room for more as we need them." Violet indicated the wall to the right, which remained empty, the wood paneling polished to a glossy sheen. "We should have Miss Merry paint us some pieces to brighten this space." Violet suggested.

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