The Cutie's Woes! - Male!Kasumi's Sister!Reader x Male!Karin (Request)

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  Growing up, it wasn't hard for people to believe that you were Kazuto Nakasu's older sister, two years his senior.  After all, you and your younger brother looked very much alike, with the same big eyes and the same pink tint to the cheeks; the pair of you were often mistaken as twins.  The only stark contrast that ever existed between you and Kazuto were your personalities.  While the both of you were very cute, Kazuto always took a more dramatic flare to his aura.  You, on the other hand, were often babied by others, simply because of your easygoing yet soft personality.

  You never had any real problem with the babying that you received from others.  You accepted it for what it was; after all, you did look quite young for your age.  Who were you to blame others for something that was out of their control? 

Well, that's what you set yourself up to think, anyway.  Upon reaching your eighteenth birthday, you found that you had begun to appreciate the constant teasing from others a little less than normally.

  Of course, Kazuto managed to escape this rather damp reality, mostly due to his over-the-top antics that had him officially stated to be one of the most iconic class clowns of his time, despite being only a first year.  The worst part of this whole charade was when people would point out that Kazuto looked older than you.  Your eye would twitch, and your smile would be forced; after all, you couldn't have a sudden outburst ruin your reputation forever.

  Still, it would always squeeze at your stomach how nobody ever seemed to take you seriously. At any given chance, you forced yourself to do things by yourself. Asking for help would only be acceptable in truly devastating situations; however, in the end, what was too devastating and what was not devastating enough? Only you could tell. And even then, it seemed a far stretch.

Sooner or later, you would reap the consequences of your actions.

  You quite understand that it was your own fault that things had happened the way they did.  You got too in over your head and refused to ask for help, even when it was needed.  Now, here you were, a sprained ankle and an equally sprained pride, both a result from a devastating fall from the top of a ladder.  What had you been doing at the top?  You couldn't quite remember.  All you could remember is one of your fellow third years, a handsome boy by the name of Kai Asaka, carrying you to the infirmary.

  If you or he had said something on the way to the nurse's office, you wouldn't know.  Your world was too blurry with pain to truly recollect anything worth remembering.

  However, now that you were completely awake, the embarrassment of it all kept you from saying a word.  While you had insisted that it was fine, Kai had been rather adamant on staying with you until your brother was able to come in and check on you.  You knew that Kai was rather close with Kazuto, both of them being part of the same school idol club, so the concern would make sense.  But just the thought of a semi-famous model wanting to make sure that you, a plain person, were fine struck a chord in your young, girlish heart.

  Of course, this sudden attraction made the situation even more unbearable for you, as you had absolutely no idea how to start a conversation with the boy, who sat nearby, idly looking through some magazines that the nurse had laying around.  Havung said that, all you could do was sit on the bed, occasionally taking glances at your wrapped ankle.  Completely quiet.  Unnecessarily quiet.  Scarily quiet.

  Oh geez, you should really say something.  You looked over to your side for a brief moment, just long enough to see the lovely side profile that Kai provided.  Holy hell, he's better looking up close!  You shook your head slightly, get a grip!

  Your inner monologue was interrupted by a smooth voice, a voice that made your ears tint pink at the mere sound. "So, what was it that compelled you to sit at the top of a ladder without any sort of assistance?" Immediately, your gaze shot to the side, where Kai was placing his magazine onto the bedside table.  He wore an amused smile on his face when he turned your way, a smile that made you annoyed and flustered all at once.  What was with his condescending tone?

  Fighting the urge to blow exasperated air from your mouth, you mumbled, "No one was around, and I wanted something from the top shelf."

  Kai hummed. "While that's all well and fine, you are aware that there are warnings everywhere on that ladder that specifically suggest not sitting on the last step?"

  You bit the inside of your mouth to keep a less-than-nice response from escaping. "Yes, I am aware. I'm just not the most advantaged person when it comes to high places, as you can clearly tell."

  Kai's eyes casually roamed your form at your words, and your cheeks were beginning to heat at the attention. "Which leads me back to, why not find someone who is a bit more, ah, advantaged to help you out?"

  "Because," You paused. "Just because!"

  Kai seemed extra amused at your answer just then; and he leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms before him. "Is pride really worth the consequences of such reckless actions?"

  "Don't you talk about pride to me!" You gasped softly as soon as those words left your mouth, hand coming over your lips.  You had never been so wound up before, and you were definitely not partial to the idea of giving this jerk the pleasure of seeing such a rare sight!  Ugh, just look at his stupid smirk!

  "Hm?" Kai chuckled. "Proud? Is that how you see me?"

  "Look, just forget I said anything." You sighed and laid back into the pillow behind you. "I'm injured and in pain; I don't particularly appreciate your smart remarks."

  "You're not as lenient as many make you out to be, you know."

  You wanted to curse yourself to some unknown realm because, just then, you were ready to give Kai the satisfaction of leaving you pleased and lenient.  However, your previously-spoken-of pride was strong enough to keep your lips shut and eyes cast to the other side of the room.  Anywhere but where he sat.

  Almost as if a being from above answered your prayers, you heard the familiar sound of your younger brother talking with the nurse. "Nee-san! Are you in here?"

  "And that's my cue to leave," Kai stood up, hands in his pockets, "you're welcome, by the way." As the boy turned to take his leave, your eyes widened slightly.  That's right, you never thanked him!

  "W—Wait!" You flushed slightly, "Sorry, I forgot to say thank you for bringing me here. And for staying with me."

  Kai hummed, turning around to face you. "It's no problem." He then smiled alluringly, eyes glinting with playfulness. "Though, next time, if you need help, just look for me." A wink. "I'll be willing to help."

  Your throat clenched quite abruptly; and you sat, wordless, with red cheeks and mouth slightly ajar.  Your stupor was only broken when Kazuto burst through the curtains with a frantic look.

  "Are you okay, nee-san?! What happened?"

  You cleared your throat, voice slightly shaky. "I fell."

  In two ways, yes.  You did, indeed, fall.


  Requested by: @OMGH30

  Next up: A Change in Perspective - Male!Dia, Male!Kanon, Male!You, and Male!Hanamaru

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