Dirty Dancing (11:30 PM) - Male!Dancer!Eli x Daddy's Little Girl!Reader

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[ 11:30 PM ]

  You shouldn't be here.  Peering out at the sea of people all moving against one another in a way you would have never imagined possible, you found yourself at a loss of words.  You don't know how you even entered into such a party—a staff party on top of all things.  Your father would be utterly disappointed upon learning that his little girl had stumbled upon a forbidden gathering.

  Oh, dear, you had thought to yourself with a flush and wide eyes as one of the women dancing leaned her whole body onto the man she was dancing with, hips moving in tandem with the low jazz and grind of her partner.  Was this...was this even legal?  You gasped softly, hands coming over your eyes when the grinding came to a particularly—ah—rough tempo.  From beside you, the boy who had dragged you here with him as his date, a young man by the name of Ren Hoshizora who your father paid for appliance care in your condo, chuckled.

  Tipping his gatsby hat, Ren nudged you in a teasing manner. "Aw shucks, don't tell me you've never seen this kind of dancing before!" He hummed. "Although, can't blame ya, all you rich folk ever dance to are old-time classics that really should stay in the old-times. I don't suppose you wanna give this typa dancing a try?"

  You blushed red at the mere thought, "Oh, no!" You quickly shook your head, doing your best to avoid the couple that danced nearest to you.  These two seemed particular to stunts; out of the corner of your eye, you could see how the man swung his partner's body about before bringing her close to his chest and swaying hypnotically with the music. 

  As if he already knew what you were wondering, Ren explained, "Oh, that's Kotoba and his girl Honoka—they love the spontaneous flare, I reckon they were acrobats in another life."

  You nodded, "Oh," before turning to ask, "uh, don't you wanna dance, too?"

  "Of course, I do," Ren tapped his knee lightly, "banged up my knee after falling out of a tree trying to fix a damaged telephone line."

  "Oh," you cleared your throat again, peering back out into the crowd, "sorry to hear that."

  "Ah, I'll be fine," Ren waved it off, readjusting his hat, "but you should take a chance and try it! So that next time I bring you back, we can have a go."

  Next time?  Your worrying train of thought stayed stuck within your throat, as your eyes caught a particularly enrapturing scene.  It was another dancing couple, but this couple seemed different.  The level of skill the man and woman had seemed respected, even among the many talented young people in the room.  The man, in particular, captured you, as his golden hair moved with his movements and his crystal blue eyes shined with the utmost passion and joy.  His charisma and confidence oozed with his every turn, twist, push, and pull.  Having had tired yourself out trying to look away from the dance floor all night, you found yourself staring intently into the center of it.  You even kind of...wanted to be there.

  "Who's that?" You had asked Ren, completely struck and dazed.

  "Oh, that's Eliot—we call him Eli. He's been my friend for years, like an older brother to me." Without even consulting you or thinking evenly, Ren raised his arm and called for his friend. "Yo!"

  When the supposed Eli glanced over, still moving with the crowd, you felt yourself flush.  It was ridiculous, really, because he wasn't even looking directly at you!  Still, you couldn't say the same for yourself, your eyes staying glued to the man's figure as he worked his way through the dancefloor naturally to get to where you and Ren stood.  His partner sashayed to another partner in a rather awe-evoking way; the way people here just went with the moment was amazing!

  "What's up, Ren?" Your heart gave a jolt when Eliot neared, his voice proving to be as smooth as his own dancing.  When his gaze flicked towards you, your hands unintentionally tightened around your thick wool jacket that was as light-colored as your sundress.  He probably thought you looked way out of place. "What's she doing here? You know we can't fraternize with the country club members."

  Ren laughed, and you felt utterly mortified. "This here is Y/N. I thought she wanted a break from the invigorating bingo game down at the senior citizen's center."

  "Hm," Eliot surveyed you with a keen eye; and if you didn't feel out of place before, you certainly did now.

  "I—I brought veggies." You wanted to die right there and then—I bought veggies?  Seriously?  Was that all you could say?  While it might've been true that you had been the one to bring the salad bowl to the party, it still didn't help the embarrassment of your words.  However, despite your obvious chagrin and awkward nature, Eliot held his hand out.  Like a scared child, you stared dumbfounded at the man's outstretched hand.

  "Well, let's see what you got."

  "I...what?" You stuttered, feeling the sweat on your nexk begin to form. "But I—I can't dance!"

  "Well, now's a good time to learn," Ren pushed you forward.  Your breath caught in your throat, especially when Eliot pulled you deeper into the jazz-induced circle.

  "Here," Eliot demonstrated a movement with his hips, "keep your shoulders straight and frame solid." Very hesitantly, you made a movement that was shy of adequate. "Relax yourself, you have to remember to enjoy the groove of the beat." You gulped thickly when his hands found your waist and he drew you closer.  Taking a deep breath, you attempted to do as the man instructed. "Okay, good," Eliot supplied, drawing your arms up and around his neck, allowing himself to pull your closer, "just follow my lead."

  As the pair of you moved together at such a close proximity, your mind was reeling with surprise and incredulity.  You had said less than seven words to this strange man; and here you were, dancing with him in such a...a...passionate way!  Even as the music ended, your heart continued to dance.  Watching Eliot give an abrupt nod and charming smile before walking away, you held a hand to your chest, legs trembling.  Suddenly, your previous promise to never return to such a setting was beginning to crumble in its resolve.


  A/N: Just a little extra something to make up for my absence! And yes, this shot is based heavily upon the classic, Dirty Dancing, with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey. I watched it today, and I LOVED it! I relate so much to Grey's portrayal of Baby (the innocent protagonist)! Aha, I may or may not have had a similar experience when I started learning how to dance, so I found this shot fun! I recommend the watch! Until next time, bye-bye!

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