Holiday Special! - Male!Love Live Franchise x Reader

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It's another day working at the family store, and you're tired. With the upcoming holidays, the entrance doors never fail to swing loudly; it's a sound that strongly indicates that you'll need to slap on another smile to your groggy face and prepare to look for the prices of desired store items. Occasionally, with the swinging sound, you'll hear questions about where certain items are placed; and you have to mentally push yourself to speak more than the necessary amount as a cashier. It's not until noontime that you can escape to the store room to have some lunch, which is usually store-bought ramen.

However, as you lean back to take your first bite from your hot food, you feel a yawn escape your mouth. Tiredness hits you all at once, and you can't quite fight the feeling to close your eyes. Leaning back against one of the boxes full of canned produce, your mind focuses on your current situation. What you wouldn't do to be one of those kids spending their Christmas break with friends, hanging out and getting into fun mischief. Throwing snowballs at each other, decorating someone's house nicely, baking cookies. Having a boyfriend around this time of year wouldn't be the worst either—snuggling to get warm, buying presents for one another, kissing under the mistletoe...

Well, admittedly, anything that didn't involve bagging and pricing miscellaneous items would be an ideal way to spend Christmas break. You can almost picture it, you think as you finally let your eyes close.

"Hotaka! Hold still!" Ukyo scolds Hotaka, as the boy fidgets against the decorated wall of the local ball park. Kotoba chuckles where he stands next to Hotaka in a pose for a picture.

"I'm trying, but the reindeer antler keeps poking at my butt!" Hotaka wiggles, trying to move in from where the transparent reindeer statue, decorated with lightbulbs, sticks its head down to eat at invisible grass (do reindeers even eat grass?).

Eliot chuckles from the sidelines, where the rest of the Muse group members are waiting in line for their turn at a picture against the public Christmas display. "What a sentence for the ages."

Mako rolls his eyes, "It's a poor excuse to fool around, if you ask me."


Niko crosses his arms, "Now, would'ya hurry up? I gotta take my picture already."

You giggle almost inaudibly when you approach the scene, having just arrived in your own vehicle. "How about you guys let me take your picture with all nine of you?" Cheers of your name, most audibly from Ren and Hayato, are heard; and you're quickly bombarded with rough hugs from two of your favorite first years.

"No, I'd rather much take a picture with Y/N-chan, nya!" Ren declares, arms still wound about his favorite (and only) club manager.

Hotaka, much to Ukyo's rage, all but tackles you when he joins yours, Ren's and Hayato's embrace. "Not if I do it first!"

Hayato flushes, "A picture with just the two of us would be nice."

"You ingrates are going to suffocate her," Mako hisses, pulling at the nearest jacket, which happened to be Hotaka's.

"H—Hey, don't separate me and my Y/N-chan!"

"Your Y/N-chan?" Ukyo bellows, cheeks red, "that is probably the most shameful thing you've said all evening--obscene!"

"Oh, c'mon, Ukyo-kun, I wouldn't say it's the most shameful," Kotoba chuckles, "can you blame him for saying so, after all?"

"These children.." Niko scoffs.

"My, my, quite popular, are we now, Y/N-chan?" Noboru hums in amusement, provoking the flush on your cheeks.

"I—I wouldn't say that—,"

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