The Star in the Corner of Your Eyes - Male!Mari x Childhood friend!Reader

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"Master Mario!"

You peered down at the panicking maids that stared hopelessly at the cart that you and your friends were in. Taking a breath, you held your tiny fist to your heart that kept beating, both at the sheer height you were from the ground and at the idea that you were disobeying your parents.

"What do we do?" You looked up to see Daiki's worried face. "Things are getting out of hand."

"Should we just give up?" Kanon piped in, looking equally as worried.

"No!" You nearly jumped at how firm Mario sounded from where he sat next to you. "We need to wish upon a shooting star, or else there's no way it'll work!"

"But..." You squeaked in fear when the cart shook slightly with the impact of its propellors. "This is scary! Can we just get down already?" The way you gazed at Mario with your tear-stained eyes and shaky mouth had the little boy sending you a determined grin. You gasped softly when the boy reached out to grab your hand that you held at your chest.

"Don't worry, Y/N-chan! As long as we're here with you, nothing scary will happen. Which is why we need to make this wish!" This left you only to nod and wipe your eyes with your other arm.

When the four of you hopped off the moving cart onto the platform and ran more uphill to find a good spot to stargaze, you couldn't find it in yourself to catch up. Daiki had to pull you behind him so that you wouldn't fall too far back.

"Come on, Y/N-chan!"

You whined aloud, trying your best to push back the foreign feeling of burning in your tiny legs. After what seemed like forever, you and Daiki finally managed to make it to where Mario and Kanon stood atop a wooden platform. Mario held his constellation finder to the sky, muttering to himself as he did.

"Did you find it?" You wondered aloud. However, just as those words passed your lips, the sky began to crowd with dark clouds that sprouted rain little by little until a downpour commenced.

"Rain..." Kanon observed.

"No! We can't possibly make a wish like this!" Daiki despaired, letting go of your hand that hung sadly at your side.

"No..." Mario stared at the sky in frustration. "After we came all this way..." Mario began to sniff and before anyone could fathom it, tears began to cascade from his eyes the same way the rain cascaded from the clouds above.

You, not being able to stand the sight of one of your best friends in tears, began to tear up as well. "Mar-kun..." As the two of you then burst into tears, Daiki and Kanon stared at one another at a loss of what to do. That is, until Kanon came up with an idea. Reaching out, he took the constellation finder and took out one of his favorite blue markers.

"Don't cry, you two!" Kanon then held the constellation finder in the middle of your group, his face proud. "See!"

Through your bleary vision, you sniffed and looked down at the finder with curious eyes. In unison, you and Mario made sounds of wonder. Kanon had drawn his own shooting star on the constellation finder, symbolizing the possibility to make your wishes come true in your own way. With smiles, the four of you crowded closer around the finder.

"This will do just fine!"

You smiled softly as you walked along the quiet streets of Uchiura. Funny that that specific memory would come back to you on this particular day, you had thought to yourself. You were on your way to meet your three best friends, who were no longer little boys but grown men. Or were they? You had to giggle to yourself; no matter how much time would pass, it would always be hard to fathom that those three were men.

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