Headcanon: The Otonokizaka Robins - Male!Muse x Manager!Reader (Basketball AU)

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A/N: and here we have the Muse version of the previous Aqours basketball AU I did.


• Otonokizaka was a powerhouse school when it came to sports
• like, all of them
• volleyball, kendo, track, archery, tennis, etc.
• except for basketball
• and because of this
• when the school got some budget cuts due to a national economic downfall
• and the school had to stop funding some of its programs
• the basketball club was on the list
• however
• Hotaka Kōsaka was not having any of this
• he felt a responsibility to keeping all important school activities alive
• and altho he didnt know much about basketball
• he had friends who did
• so he was determined to keep the club alive
• even if it meant joining it himself
• and the first people he recruited??
• we all know who they are
• kotoba went w the flow cs he is resident chill boi
• ukyo was super against the idea at first
• like "tf?? you dont have an athletic bone in ur body and u think u can play basketball? do you understand how much running you have to do?? and dont even get me started on knowing how to shoot!"
• "thats why im asking u to help me :D"
• Σ('◉⌓◉') <—ukyo's face
• but hotaka being hotaka managed to rope ukyo in
• he also managed to get these three first years, only one of which was actually tall
• but this was not enough
• only six players?? no, hotaka needed more
• so where does he go?
• student council's office
• where you, noboru, & eliot work as the respective secretary, vice president, & president of Otonokizaka
• we all know how this goes
• eliot say "nu"
• noboru convince him "yes"
• hotaka convince him "yes"
• so then yes
• and as for niko?? oh bruh
• literally the only sport he plays is basketball but no team wants him cs hes small
• bt hotaka's desperate so he takes niko
• lmao
• as for you? well
• you weren't too keen on the idea of becoming a manager for a sport
• mostly cs being secretary alr had a lot of paperwork?? and you being manager jst meant more??
• but something noboru had said to you managed to change your mind
• "you know, all this is good for resumes and all; but when it comes down to it, who really cares about whether or not you filed papers? what's the excitement in that?"
• while it did kinda put down ur position, you understood what he meant
• memories over matter
• so you gave it a shot
• it was...hard
• the boys were all so different
• and you were so not used to having so many ppl around
• eliot & noboru were usually calm
• w these twats, they were chaotic as hell
• but the more you stepped into routine
• the more you found yourself...having fun
• the individual personalities around u were so interesting and filled ur life w excitement
• not only that, but the boys' mere dedication to something that seemed so trivial
• they rlly turned into something great before your eyes
• even made it to championships 🥺
• and you were every bit glad for it
• shall we proceed to speak of their improvements?


F I R S T  F I V E

p o i n t  g u a r d : Ukyo Sonoda (2)
s h o o t i n g  g u a r d : Hotaka Kōsaka (10)
s m a l l  f o r w a r d : Kotoba Minami (8)
p o w e r  f o r w a r d : Mako Nishikino (9)
c e n t e r : Eliot Ayase (1)


T H E  S I X T H  M A N

s m a l l  f o r w a r d , s h o o t i n g  g u a r d , p o i n t  g u a r d : Niko Yazawa (19)


Noboru Tōjo (0)
- 182 cm (6'0")
- sub power forward
- plays a decent amount
- the thing is
- he plays so...casually
- athletes usually have this spark in their eyes
- this boost in their jump
- this pep in their step
- athletes play to win
- noboru plays for—well—fun
- which isn't a bad thing
- in fact
- it's far from it
- noboru keeps the boys in a calm state of mind
- it's rlly easy to get too frustrated
- esp in a fast paced sport like basketball
- bt noboru is always there to calm the boys down and keep them focused on the objective
- which is to trick the other team for your benefit
- his ability to stay calm on and off the bench is amazing
- noboru's smarter than he acts
- and it shows in his game
- he uses his fouls wisely
- bc he's a sub, he knows that using his fouls for the team is crucial
- oftentimes, he fouls on purpose to stop the opposing team's rhythm and drive
- for example
- say that the opposing point guard is about to run into the box for a shot
- before the point guard can even raise his hands to shoot
- but not too roughly
- wouldn't want a tech right?
- cue the ref calling it a plain foul
- the point guard getting angry and yelling for a free throw
- the ref pointing out that he hadnt been in shooting form, therefore "no free throw for u son"
- then there's noboru's teasing smile towards the fuming point guard
- has a decent shot range
- bt he focuses primarily on rebounds and layups
- overall, noboru's a good player
- the only reason why noboru's not first five is bc he can't compete with mako's iron wall defense
- esp since mako's defense has to go hand in hand w eliot's
- besides that, noboru, at the end of the day, is still a casual player
- he's not known to hustle for the ball
- rather, he lets the ball go and instead plans ahead for the next strategy
- his stamina's in need of work too
- the only time noboru's ever rlly played hard was during tight games
- otherwise, he's settled
- noboru doesn't mind his time on the bench
- he usually spends it going over game plans w you
- seeing as you and noboru worked alongside for quite awhile before joining the basketball club
- the pair of you were alr accustomed to one another
- so you spend a lot of time talking
- however, your relationship had been strictly professional up until that point
- through the club, you and noboru were able to just—talk
- just speak casually
- as students
- as club members
- as friends
- he understood you
- bc the pair of you were similar in temperament
- always confiding in each other
- jst being cute n' all :333

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