Attention - Male!Ukyo x Reader

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  In hindsight, Ukyo thought adopting a pet would bring the two of you closer.  The living creature could possibly become common ground to bond over.  A crucial note of his relationship with you was your noticeably different interests and personalities.  Despite whatever differences, four years together, two of them in which the two of you shared an apartment, proved that the cliche storyline of "opposites attract" was, more so or less, true.  But that didn't necessarily mean Ukyo had to go against everything you wanted.  Hence, the idea of a pet.

  For a majority of the relationship, you had begged him to adopt a dog with you, a preferably large (and troublesome) one.  Ukyo, being a particular person when it came to responsibility, always rejected the idea, pointing out how most days the two of you were too busy to take care of another being.  However, after thinking much to himself, he decided that maybe something new would move the relationship further.  Besides, how big of a dog could you have wanted?

  Big.  The answer was big.  And drool-y.  Goodness, so much drool.

  Ukyo returned home one evening to a rambunctious welcome, which consisted of him on the floor with a large, heaving mess of drool above him.  He sighed and reluctantly raised his hand to pet the brown-white mixture of fur.  The dog you had wanted was an unusually large Tosa Inu, whose name was, "Jurin..!"

  At the exasperated voice of his owner, Jurin barked happily (and loudly), and Ukyo felt himself wince at the gesture.  Ukyo moved to move the dog off of his lap, when he heard a familiar set of footsteps padding across the apartment's carpeted floor.  Equally familiar arms reached down to hoist Jurin from Ukyo's chest.  He had to chuckle at the sight.  Jurin was way too big for your arms, seeing as the dog was as tall as just a few centimetres above Ukyo's knees, and Ukyo was already a tall man.  Jurin was also large width-wise, especially with how much you tended to spoil him, whether it be with treats or actual meals.  The dog still ate like ten times a day.

  "Aw~! Someone's excited to see Dad, aren't they~?" You cooed, not even bending down to help Ukyo from his fallen state on the floor.  You didn't even place Jurin down, instead walking back into the living room, where you had originally been lounging moments before. 

  Ukyo couldn't help sighing a little; as much as Jurin was excited to see him, you didn't seem to share the same sentiment.  The boy stood with a grunt and dusted himself off, earning a few specks of fur across the apartment's carpet.  Upon entering the living room, Ukyo spotted you in your little corner of the couch, holding a big furry child in your arms.  You were playing happily with Jurin, cooing and giggling like the dog was an actual infant child. 

  It had been like this ever since Jurin became an active part of your little apartment.  You were always spending time with the dog, day and night.  You even slept with the dog in your arms on several occasions, often in your own shared bed.  The bed itself was already too small for both you and Ukyo, so adding the large dog was an option that left Ukyo sleeping on the couch or on the bedroom floor. 

  Digression aside, did getting a pet reinforce your relationship?  No, most likely not. 

  Still, Ukyo couldn't deny that your smile seemed brighter nowadays with the new arrival.  And he had to admit, there were times where Jurin kept him good company while you were on daily errands.  So, he definitely couldn't say he regretted getting Jurin; because, yes, he loved Jurin.  The only thing was, did you possibly love Jurin more than him?

  He knew it was silly, because it was.  To get jealous over a dog?  Ukyo would never admit to something like that, no way.  Yet, as Ukyo sat on the other side of the couch, he found himself longing to be in your arms after his long day, just as Jurin was.  Like, come on, Jurin had been with you nearly all day, could he not get attention for even a little bit?  He was your lover, for crying out loud!

  Perhaps in his conflicted train of thought, Ukyo's face spoke the words for him, because he felt a familiar touch to his shoulder.  He jolted slightly at the contact, relaxing once he realised it was you; however, he tensed again when the childishness of his feelings settled.  Okay, so maybe he was jealous of a dog, so what?

  "Ukyo? You good?" Ukyo met your gaze with a red crease across his cheeks.

  "Of course I am..!" he spoke quickly, almost as if he wanted to delude attention away from himself, although that was pretty much the last thing he wanted. " you ask?"

  You smiled knowingly, and that struck an embarrassed chord in Ukyo.  Of course, you of all people could read him like an open book.  Would you really tease him about being jealous?  The answer was yes.

  "Oh~!" you allowed Jurin to crawl from your lap onto the floor, your arms opening up towards your boyfriend. "Are you jealous, Ukyo?"

  "No." Yes. "Don't be ridiculous!"

  You laughed and jumped from the other side of the couch to fall upon your boyfriend's blush-y form.  The boy visibly sunk at the display of affection but gave in with a deep sigh.  You nuzzled your face into his neck, and his arms acted on impulse, wrapping around your middle with ease.

  "Don't worry, I don't blame you, Jurin is very cute!"

  "Hey.." the boy muttered weakly.

  "My little cutie!" you pinched his cheeks and placed a quick peck on the boy's nose.  He sighed through his nose and leaned forward to kiss you fully on the lips.  You replied with slight surprise, a squeak emitting you; but you caught on particularly quickly and reciprocated your boyfriend's gesture.

  The moment was sweet.  It was especially sweet when a furry form pounced upon the couple.  Ukyo pressed his lips into an unamused line, while you laughed wholeheartedly.  Jurin barked happily.

  "Seems like someone else was getting jealous." You brought an affectionate hand over the dog's bright fur.  Ukyo finally allowed himself to smile and reached out to rub the top of Jurin's head, as well.  While Jurin may have been a troublesome dog, he was both yours and his.  So, maybe, he did bring the two of you more together.

  A/N: Happy April Fools~! It's been a week or so since the last update, so I deem that as an accomplishment! I hoped you guys enjoyed this sugary-sweet, slightly sour jealous one shot lol. I admit, it took me several days to write this, as I don't necessarily see Umi's character as a particularly jealous or attention-seeking one. But, everyone has to get jealous at some point, right?

  Until next time, Ciao~!

- Requested by: @Yukispring

  P.S. : check out the 30 day Kpop challenge book I'll be posting in just a little bit~!

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