Headcanon: Uranohoshi Seadogs! - Male!Aqours x Manager!Reader (Basketball AU)

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A/N: I've had this idea for awhile, especially after my school managed to get 1st place in the boys category and 3rd place in the girls category for our basketball teams! If some of you didn't know, yes, author-chan plays sports, lol. Mostly basketball, but I've played tennis, volleyball, badminton, softball—and even taken some swimming classes. But I've only ever played basketball competitively but anyway, enough of me blabbering—onwards!

• Ok so basically
• Uranohoshi was a total underdog school when it came to sports
• and when I say sports, I mean like—
• e v e r y s p o r t
• archery, kendo, baseball, volleyball, track and field, swimming, etc etc etc
• basketball was one of the sports Uranohoshi was ESPECIALLY weak in
• until, a rambunctious boy by the name of Chikato Takami did the impossible
• so like Chikato started watching NBA and he jst
• was like "I WANNA TRY"
• and so he did
• idk how but he managed to drag nine other people into the scheme, including YOU
• and you werent even a dude who could play on the team
• "you'll be manager-chan!"
• manager-chan my ASS
• but he flashed the puppy dog eyes and you caved
• so the annual basketball tournament was in like—3 months and none of these boys knew what they were doing
• the team SUCKED ass at first
• like rlly bad
• the only ones who could play like—ok—were Yōsuke and Kanon
• bc of their natural prowess in athleticism
• but even they had their limitations
• it was
• R O U G H
• but Chikato pushed harder
• practices every single day for at least 6 hrs
• what the fuck was this boy thinking
• but yknow
• after the first month
• they were kinda doing
• pretty good
• their chemistry playing together made up for the lack of skill
• it also helped that these dudes were all pretty tall alr so
• save for Harunobu but thats a different story
• team hangouts were so common
• and you found yourself warming up greatly to these boys
• a fam bam dude
• you even started developing a love for the sport
• Uranohoshi actually lucked out with its current roll of students
• because these nine boys managed to do the impossible
• for the first time in years, Uranohoshi actually placed in a sports tournament
• it may not have been first but
• Chikato grins, "We placed! And even if it is 3rd place. That means something. You can only go up from here!"
• *tears up
• but anyhoo..
• let's dive into the individual profiles, shall we?


T H E  F I R S T  F I V E

c e n t e r : Kanon Matsūra (14)
p o w e r  f o r w a r d : Mario Ohara (6)
s m a l l  f o r w a r d : Chikato Takami (22)
s h o o t i n g  g u a r d : Yoshito Tsushima (66)
p o i n t  g u a r d : Yōsuke Watanabe (2)

S I X T H  M A N

p o i n t  g u a r d , s h o o t i n g  g u a r d , s m a l l  f o r w a r d , p o w e r  f o r w a r d : Rikuo Sakurauchi (4)

Mario Ohara (6)
- 187 cm (6'2")
- starting power forward
- why is he not center, you ask?
- bc he kinda sucks at defense
- it's kinda mind-boggling
- he jst cant block shit for his life
- even tho he's literally gigantic??
- he's good as steals tho
- so he's always stealing from the big guys who try to drive into the box
- right as he steals, passes to Yoshito automatically
- Yoshito and Mario jst click man
- it's weird
- it might have something to do with their fucking numbers
- he's an ace at offense tho
- puts up most of your points cs his hands can reach the fucking board
- rebounds soooon
- he's the joker of your little team
- flirts shamelessly with you
- like damn, you can never catch a break
- this one time, Yōsuke broke Mario's ankles so hard
- and to deflect his embarrassment when you laughed so hard he literally went
- "oh, you think that's funny? he might've broken my ankles, but i can break something else of yours, princess"
- "fuck off, Ohara"
- "i love it when you talk dirty"
- yak

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