Boo! Halloween Special! - Male!Love Live Franchise x Reader (blurb)

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It's that time of year again. The wind blows a little stronger, weird creeks and thuds sound a little louder, and goosebumps rise a little higher. You've never really pegged yourself to be into the fall season, never mind Halloween. But for some odd reason, this year you're kinda stoked when you see the spooky decorations that litter the halls of your school. Then again, it probably has something to do with your friends.


Hotaka as the guy who dresses up as a celebrity but no one can tell who he's actually trying to be. Eventually just says he's dressed up as John Wick. He's the one who comes to the party with a lot of beer, though, so that makes up for it.

Niko also dresses up like a celebrity, except not really because he really only dressed up like himself. He uses one of his stage costumes from, like, the month before. The boys constantly heckle him for it (especially Noboru), because what the actual hell, dude? Is your head that big? Gets mad salty when he doesn't win the costume contest.

Kotoba is the one who actually wins the contest, for good reason. He's dressed to the max as Pennywise from the original 1990 mini series, and everyone is in love with it! Definitely picks up several ladies during the night, despite being dressed as a killer clown.

Ukyo picks up ladies too, but completely against his own volition. Kotoba and Hotaka managed to convince him to dress up as Damon from Vampire Diaries, and all the girls at the party are frothing at the mouth. Someone help him.

Eliot is another heart-stopper. Dracula, drink my blood, please. He keeps getting mistaken for Stefan from Vampire Diaries, even though he is obviously dressed up as the Lord of Vampires himself Dracula. Eventually just lets people think him and Ukyo are wearing matching brother costumes.

Noboru is dressed up as the genie from Aladdin, and he's just a little too into character. Especially after he has one too many drinks. Keeps begging people to free him from his lamp.

Mako is a lazy ass mofo who shows up in a baseball uniform he borrowed from a friend. Ugh, dude, you can literally wear that any time of the year, where's the creativity? But Mako doesn't care and flashes people the bird every time they question his costume.

Ren and Hayato both come in Thing One and Thing Two costumes, and they're absolutely adored by everyone! Their picture is taken a lot during the night, and they win the partner category during the costume contest. Bestie goals!


Mario as the cheeky ticket booth guy who seems to know a little too much about the haunted house activity that he and his friends are hosting. He loves scaring little kids, teenagers, and adults alike with his stories. He has to be protected by Kanon and Daiki for most of the night because he keeps pissing people off.

Kanon is one of the ushers for the people touring their haunted house activity and is the one who leads people to the door of the actual haunted house. He calms down the people that Mario has scared and reassures them that everything is safe so they'll be able to have a nice time. 95% of the people who come are girls because look at that tall, strapping man at the door of the haunted house! Maybe if we pretend to be scared, he'll come and save us!

Daiki is just the manager of the whole activity, and he's there to make sure Mario doesn't mess everything up. After all, they actually need the money coming from this! He's in charge of both outside and inside the house, making sure everything is in place. He's almost busy enough that he doesn't freak himself out. Key word: almost.

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