Late Nights - Male!Karin x Reader

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Truthfully speaking, when you had told your cousin that you were stepping out for a quick run to the store, you weren't lying—technically. I mean, sure, the store itself wasn't actually open for shopping. Neither was it actually open for business.

Pulling into the empty parking lot of the abandoned building that used to act as a grocery store, you and Kai sat in silence. The silence wasn't something that was unwelcome; the pair of you were accustomed to the thickness of silence and sought the slivers of comfort it offered. Kai had turned off the ignition when he maneuvered the car into the middle slot of the parking lot, your usual spot.

Stretching slightly, you sighed softly and glanced over at your driver, finally breaking the quiet atmosphere, "Hi."

Kai chuckled, swinging the keys into the cupholder of his car and turning to you with a handsome smile to respond, "Hi."

Leaning forward, you pushed your elbow against the armrest between the two of you to push your face closer to the boy's. "Thank you for coming to get me on last notice."

"I probably would've come over myself to get you, anyway," Kai grinned, "although, I'm curious as to what you told your cousin and her friends when you left."

You rolled your eyes, "Oh please, she's probably happy I left her with her college friends to get wasted and do things 'not suited for kids'." You put your hands up to imitate air quotes, evoking a look of amusement from Kai.

"Well, does sneaking away with a boy count as something not suited for a kid like yourself?" Kai teased.

"Depends on the boy," You lilted softly, brushing your nose with his.

"Is that right?" Kai breathed, turning his nose against yours as he kissed you fully on the lips. Sighing softly, you raised a hand to smooth over where his jawline ended and his neck began. This opted for him to lean more forward to deepen the kiss and raise his own hand to hold you in place by the back of your neck.

"Ooh," You hummed teasingly, pulling back as far as he would allow you to (which wasn't much). "That's not really kid-friendly."

Kai couldn't help the chuckle that carded from the back of his throat. "Well, your cousin will just have to be none-the-wiser." He placed another kiss upon your lips, deeper and longer than the previous.  You took a breath when he pulled back, your lips moist and chest beating haphazardly.  Kai watched you with faraway eyes before asking, "How long are you staying with her again?"

  "A week." Your answer was quickly swallowed by a third kiss, then a fourth.

  "Good." Kai placed a fifth kiss—this one chaste—on the corner of your lips. "Her house is farther from the store."

  You couldn't help the soft laughter that escaped your lips. "Meaning?"

  "You know what it means."  Those words ignited something within you, and you leapt forward to initiate the sixth kiss; this kiss, in turn, led to many more. 

  It had been about thirty minutes since you'd been gone from your cousin's, fifteen since you snuggled into Kai's side when the pair of you decided to move to the backseat of his car.  Admittedly, your lips were swollen; and your cheeks were pink.  Kai looked the same, although he had a red mark on the side of his neck, courtesy of you.  You had apologized profusely after making it absentmindedly during your escapade earlier.  After all, you didn't want to interfere with his work as a model.

  Kai didn't mind it, truly.  It gave him...a sense of what the two of you were.  Because, truthfully, he had no idea whatt that was.  Neither did you, it seemed.  When the pair of you met through a mutual friend, there wasn't any indication that your relationship would lead to these late nights spent in his car.  Sometimes, he wondered if you yourself knew what the pair of you were.  He wondered if you knew what he was to you.

  "Hey," Kai had called softly in the darkness of his vehicle, the only light in the car cascading from an outside streetlight.

  You hummed softly. "Yeah?"

  "We should head back soon."

  "Oh? Yeah, I think so, too."

  "But before you do, can I do something?"


  Kai pulled back slightly, giving you time to sit yourself up from where you were glued to his side.  He turned to you with an unreadable glint in his eye, watching as you peered up at him in quiet curiosity. "Let me give you one."

  "Give me what?" You furrowed your brows slightly and tilted your head in question.  Kai said nothing and only tapped the spot on his neck where you had marked.  Immediately, you flushed in a way that had Kai wanting to drown you in kisses all over again.

  "U—Uh," You stuttered, "is..that supposed to be some sort of payback or something? I—I already said it was an accident!"

  "Let me do it." Kai insisted.

  "My cousin will see it!"


  "And?!" You pouted. "We'll get caught!"

  "Maybe we should." You stopped at his words, mouth opening slightly in shock.  His words could've meant one of two things—he either wanted the pair of you to get caught and be forced to stop seeing each other, or he wanted the pair of you to get caught and be forced to finally admit to others that you were, indeed, a thing.  The latter option seemed to be most plausible, his forwardness from earlier being evidence enough of his feelings for you.  Either way, it was scaring you.

  You held eye contact with him, trying to focus on your own breathing. "Is that...what you really want?"

  Kai didn't answer, only leaning forward to kiss you for the countless time that night.  You felt yourself give in relatively quickly.  Perhaps maybe his proposition wasn't the one scaring you, per say.  It was yourself.  It was the world.  Your own judgment.  The world's judgment.  Your own self-reflection.  The world's reflection of yourself.  Yet, somehow, as Kai brought you closer and began leaving kisses across your cheek and down towards the corner of your jaw, all those thoughts didn't matter anymore.  You liked Kai.  He liked you.  That was enough.

  "You said one..." You whimpered softly when Kai proceeded to bite into the skin of your neck after having successfully left a mark on the corner of your jaw.  Despite your words, you held Kai as close to you as he did you.

  "Yeah, I did," Kai murmured, pressing yet another mark to your skin just beneath the one he made on your neck. "You can pay it back later."

  While that might've been true, you probably would have allowed Kai to do as he pleased even without the proposition.  Thirty minutes turned into an hour.  You returned home to the livid confusion of your cousin.  When she asked where you had been, you stuck with the story about going to the store.  However, this time, you added an extra detail.

  "I went to the grocery store with my boyfriend."


  A/N: Huhu~ this wasn't meant to be this spicy~.

Next up: The Star in the Corner of Your Eyes - Male!Mari x Childhood friend!Reader

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