Feelings Realized - Male!Muse x Reader

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  Upon becoming a part of the Otonokizaka Academy student council, you would have never guessed that you'd somehow get roped into a school idol club, of all things.  Nevertheless, in your second year, a little time after succeeding into the seat of secretary-treasurer, you would find your world falling apart when Hotaka Kōsaka convinced you to join his club as a manager.  Primness and properness didn't seem to matter anymore, and you were confused to say the least.  This confusion would only continue to increase as the days went by, especially when matters of the heart were added to the mix.

Noboru Tōjo

  During your time in the student council, Noboru was nothing but a senior to you.  Everything about your relationship was strictly professional, and there was no intention on either parts to sever that professionalism.  That is, until the creation of Muse came about.  Suddenly, you had a hard time figuring out how to act around not only Noboru, but Eliot as well.  For instance, when everybody in the group began to insist upon dropping honorifics, you were the one to struggle the most.

  "Ne, Y/N-chan! Do you happen to have any spare change on you, nya? I don't have enough for Yato-kun's rice balls!"

  "I—I told you that you didn't have to pay, Ren!"

  You only wiggled strangely, not sure how to react with the sudden familiarity that the two first years regarded you.  With a shaky disposition, you stuttered. "I—I don't...Ren-kun." You nearly failed at the end there.  You let out a strangled sigh.  This was hopeless.

  Your struggle was known across the group of nine boys, and they tried their best to help you break out of your shell.  Though, a few of them did so in a rather unconventional way.  Namely, your trusty vice president, Noboru. 

  You stared uneasily as Noboru slid into the seat next to you in the student council room.  Eliot had just stepped out upon request for the principal's office; and you were wondering, desperately, why you hadn't joined him.  Especially so when Noboru began in a carefree voice. "Say, Y/N-chii—," You flushed at the brash and way-too-familiar-for-comfort calling of your name, "—did I ever tell you about your reading that I did the other day?"

  You cleared your throat, scooting away from the older boy inconspicuously. "Reading..?"

  The boy grinned impishly and raised a tarot card from his deck. "Of your fortune!"

  "I..can't recall."

  Not heeding much to your obvious discomfort, Noboru leaned closer, much to your dismay. "It was actually a bit before Muse was officially formed; but I decided to keep it to myself, seeing as I didn't see the need to mess with what was already meant to be."

  "Uh..meant to..be?" You were so scared and so confused, the sweat was bulleting from your forehead. 

  Noboru nodded his head, "From the beginning, you were meant to be Hesiod."

  You blinked, your fear dissipating slightly with your curiosity. "Hesiod? The...Greek poet?"

  Noboru smiled at the recognition, playing a card at his lips. "And the conjuror of the nine muses. In other words, the connection."

  For some reason, at that moment, as Noboru's playful eyes landed on you, a sudden rush of heat passed over your chest and cheeks.  You felt bashful—more so than usual.  And you weren't quite sure how to respond to his words, especially after the way he had said them.

  "Con..I wouldn't go that far to say that. I'm just a manager." Your eyes trailed down to the paperwork you had previously been working on.  Suddenly, your senses skyrocketed, and your heart soared out of your chest when Noboru responded quietly.

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