Unsaid Feelings - Male!Rin x Shy!Reader

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  Being the manager of Otonokizaka's newly-formed idol group, Muse, was something you never really considered you would ever have the chance to be when you entered high school.  Then again, your best friends, who were also members of Muse, Ren Hoshizora and Hayato Koizumi, could certainly relate to the same feeling, as they never imagined they would ever enter the idol business. It seemed almost too good to be true; a trio of the most close friends being able to reach such pipe dreams together.

However, another true thing that might not have been considered good from your perspective was quite alarming. You see, from the ripe age of thirteen, you had realized your feelings for one of these two best friends of yours. Ren Hoshizora was certainly a spectacle to behold, forever rambunctious and full of such boyish youth. His glow seemed to glisten more so after becoming an idol; you could see how he was expressing sides of him before that he never had the chance to. Don't get it twisted—this was all a very beneficial thing in the long run. The only edging thing about Ren's profound enigmaticity were your stupid feelings.

As hard as you tried to push down your romantic feelings for Ren, it was nearly becoming impossible to be in the same vicinity of the boy you had grown up with without exploding into a flustered state. It was absolutely mortifying. This boy was your friend, and here you were, blabbering like a fish out of water with a reddened face likened to that of a ripe tomato. It soon became the solution to just avoid Ren altogether; after all, there were eight other boys in the team, right? It was easier to ask Hayato for a pen when you didn't have one instead of Ren. It was easier to speak with Hotaka and Ukyo concerning certain schedules for the group instead of Ren. It was easier to fawn over certain idols with Niko instead of Ren. In just a matter of a month or two, you had managed to keep your time with Ren at a minimum. Although, you couldn't deny the ache in your heart everytime you let your eyes wander away from the boy you loved most in the world.

"Excuse me, Ayase-san?" You murmured, holding up the clipboard that you usually carried around when the school idol club came together for meetings. "Do you, by any chance, have any main points for the choreography that you'd like for me to jot down for later?"

Eliot gave a welcoming smile, handsome features defined. "I'm glad you're asking, Y/N. I actually do." The boy crossed his arms, smile still at bay. "By the way, Y/N, we already talked about this, bur you can call me using 'kun' if you want. No need to be so formal."

You shook your head quickly, face flushing by habit at the idea of such a brash manuever. "Oh no! I couldn't! It's bad enough already that I'm calling you without using 'senpai'!"

Kotoba sidled into the conversation. "Ah, polite as ever, Y/N-chan! You sure are cute!"

"I—I—," You flushed even deeper, cowering behind your clipboard. "I—don't know about that—!"

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you squeaked, shaking slightly in your uniform. Ren grinned broadly down at you, and you swore that you were going to ascend right then and there. "You are the cutest, Y/N-rin, nya!"

"Ah.." You probably looked like an idiot, all red and blank. The only thing running through your head was the way Ren's golden eyes perceived you fondly. You felt exposed. You let your reflexes speak for you instead, though they weren't the nicest. Without thinking, you ducked from beneath Ren's arm and nearly tripped over yourself, holding onto the table for life while clutching your clipboard still. "S—Sorry, I'll just e—excuse myself."

The trio known for being the best dancers in Muse all stared wide-eyed at the clubroom door that creaked wide open. However, Ren's expression suddenly turned sour as he sighed heavily. Before Eliot and Kotoba could approach the topic of what just happened, the rest of the boys filed into the clubroom.

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