Hook Me Up - Male!Kasumi's Childhood friend!Reader x Male!Shizuku (Request)

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"You know, your staring is not that discreet," Kazuto's offhand voice startled Shintaro from where he leaned against the outside fence of one of Nijigasaki's gardens. The flush on Shintaro's face hinted at some sort of shame, his eyes casting away from a lone figure not too far along one of the garden's rose bushes.

"D—Don't startle me like that, Kazuto-kun!" Shintaro all but whined, his form sinking deeper into his lean against the fence. Kazuto, in response, crossed his arms across his chest. He gave his best friend a dull look.

"Even someone other than Kazuton would've been able to see how you're ogling her." Shintaro's throat caught when Kazuto referred to you, who was indeed the object of his previous affectionate eyeing as you did your duty as the school gardener's aid. The boy shook his head, in defiance of Kazuto's words.

"N—No way I'm that obvious! The only reason you can see it is because you've known her forever!" Shintaro defended, opting for Kazuto to roll his eyes.

"Exactly, I've known her forever, so why don't you let me help you out?"

"I could never!"

"Why not?" Kazuto questioned crossly, his brows furrowing.

Shintaro's face scrunched into a down expression. He sighed and turned back to gaze at you lovingly from where he stood. "Someone like her could never like someone like me.."

As Shintaro's lovestruck gaze continued to admire you, Kazuto couldn't help the silent gag he made. At this point, Kazuto felt like he was going to die being the middle man of your little act with Shintaro, always skipping around each other like idiots. Well, granted, Kazuto only assumed that you felt the same way about Shintaro, based solely on his own observation of how you acted around Shintaro. Kazuto had never actually bothered to ask you directly, as he knew Shintaro was against the idea altogether. Yet, as he saw how hopeless his best friend was, Kazuto resolved that enough was enough.


"M—Maid café..?" You asked slowly, completely embarrassed at the idea that Kazuto was proposing just then. Kazuto made a face of plea, hands clasped together.

"Please, Y/N-chan? As an old friend, Kazuton thought you'd be ecstatic at the thought of helping!"

You grimaced. "Yeah, but working as a maid café? Really, Kazuto? Why did your class even decide to go with that idea for the festival?"

"Hey," Kazuto shrugged, his hands on his hips, "a café that gets good tips is a wise business choice for students, is it not?"

"You don't even get the money from that! Besides, I still fail to see where I fit."

"You fit," Kazuto brought out a fluffy dress from behind him, "into this maid costume to fill in for the girl who backed out last minute! The class president is adamant about having a certain amount of employees, and I really, really need the help for this, Y/N-chan! Please? Pleaasseeee?"

You huffed, raising both hands to stabilize Kazuto, who had begun shaking with his begs for help. "Okay, okay."

Quickly, Kazuto regained his composure and pushed the dress into your hands. Flashing a cute smile, the boy did a small salute before dashing away. "Great, see you Saturday~!"

You stood there for a long moment, before sighing. "I have a feeling this has secret intentions."

Secret intentions, indeed, although you had no idea what they were. Bunching the fabric of the bottom of the fluffy dress, you silently breathed in and out in an attempt to calm the anger bubbling in your chest. Embarrassment coupled with the anger when Kazuto appeared with a camera in his hand, as well as a smug smile.

"Looking cute, Y/N-chan!"

"Stop talking to me. We're not friends anymore."

"Hey," Kazuto inquired sharply, taking a picture with the camera, "be grateful the cutest of all Kazuton complimented you!" You cringed externally as he proceeded to take more pictures.

"I feel ridiculous, Kazuto."

"I..I think you look nice," You jumped slightly at the smooth voice that sounded from the hallway. Upon realizing that it was Shintaro who had interjected in your conversation, you felt your cheeks flush, more so because now another person just witnessed you in your current state. Although, you couldn't deny the other slight reason for the flush; after all, Shintaro cleaned up nicely when he was decked out in a butler costume. At least you weren't alone.

  "I didn't know Kazuto needed a butler, too." You said.

  "And I didn't know he needed a maid, either."

"Oh, great! You're here!" Kazuto grinned, ignoring the pair's confusion and pulling Shintaro abruptly. "Couple photos may begin now!"

In unison, you and Shintaro all but burst in exclamation. "CCouple photos?!"

"Uh, duh! People already favor the maid and butler dynamic. Why not add some romance to spice it up?"

Before either of you could protest to the boy's words, the classroom was quickly flooded with the rest of the maids and butlers meant to work that day. Roughly, Kazuto pushed you into Shintaro's arms and began to take pictures. Catching yourself by Shintaro's shoulders, the boy returned the favor by stabilizing you with his hands on your waist.  What a promising situation.  Just then, one by one, Kazuto's classmates made their comments that caused a furious flush to bloom over your cheeks.

"Aw~! You two look absolutely adorable!"

"We should make this a thing! Everyone can come and have you two pose for pictures!"

"It'll be so cute! Good idea."

"Maybe Shintaro can even teach Y/N-san some acting tricks, so the two of them can make a little romantic play."

"Are you two together?"

In an attempt to ignore the bombardment of the crowd beginning to form around you and Shintaro, you peered up at the boy with a shy look. "S—Sorry about Kazuto; now everyone is probably getting the wrong idea.."

Shintaro, although his cheeks were deep red, gave a resolute shake of his head. "Don't be. I..I'm not." Confusion clear in your face, you nearly gasped when Shintaro kneeled down and took your hand in his to kiss. "I'd gladly act as your prince for a day, even in these commoner clothes." Squeals and cheers came deaf onto your ears as you surveyed Shintaro with wide eyes and a beating heart. Perhaps you truly wouldn't be sorry then.

Kazuto scoffed upon seeing your dazed look, "Of course, Kazuton never fails, even in the world of matchmaking!"


A/N: Hello darlings! It's been awhile, and I can totally explain myself! With college exams, practices for a cousin's wedding, prepping for projects at my part-time job, and catching colds (yes, plural because I have been having on-and-off allergies due to weather changes *blows nose*), it was difficult to find time to update this shot! It's a little short, but I'm just glad I'm able to get back into the groove of things. You guys, it's almost Christmas, and I'm feeling extra jolly! Hehe, I hope all of you keep yourselves safe this holiday season. Until the next time we meet, which will be soon I promise because I just finished my last exam today *wink*, bye-bye~!

Up next: Feelings Realized - Male!Muse x Reader

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