Chapter 24: Issei

Start from the beginning

Matsuda excitedly chimed in as well, "Which makes us boys a valuable commodity. This means we'll be popular without having to lift a finger! You basically can't mess up!"

"Which means we can achieve our dreams of having a harem!" The brown haired bow cried out loudly, disturbing some of the girls nearby. 

That was right, for his whole life, Issei has been nothing but a virgin loner, never having gotten a girlfriend or female friends for that matter. Seeing those lucky bastards who wrapped their arms around the waist of their sexy girlfriends always brought him to tears! Oh the envy was strong in such cases.

Those damn bishounen ikemen! Showing off their girl to the world so openly like that without considering the feelings of his fellow men!

Ahhh he wanted a girlfriend too! Issei dreamed of going on dates, having each other's phone numbers, sharing a k-kiss, and most importantly… touching their boobs! 

Yes, that was his dream and he will go through anything to achieve it while here at Kuoh Academy! 

He thought it would be an easy process since he was basically screaming to every one of his presence as a boy in the school. Yet all he received was scorn and disgust from the local female population. A complete shock that threw his expectations immediately out of the window.

Why!? He was the perfect man! He wouldn't do such a shameless thing as peeping into the girls' changing room. He was at the scene, near the storage room wall next to the Kendo Club — trying to peep from the hole in the wall in the Kendo Club's storage room.

Unfortunately, he couldn't have a look. That's because Matsuda and Motohama wouldn't get away from the hole. 'Seriously, those guys…'

Issei couldn't calm himself down when those two idiots said things like "Ohhh! Murayama seriously has big tits!" and "Ahhh, Katase sure has nice legs."

Damn them! He wanted to see the sight of heaven beyond these walls as well! 

Murayama and Katase were third-year girls, who were among the top 10 most beautiful girls in the school. Apparently, they skipped a grade before coming to Kuoh Academy, so that was why they are the same age as them. They were smart, and sexy, and were the kendo club's captain and vice. Like, what could a man ask for more?

Nearly all of the male population of the school and some of the neighboring schoolboys as well have at one point or another confessed their undying love to at least one of the top 10 girls. Whether it be through speech or a love letter none were even close. Some rumors suggested that they all had someone in their heart, but it went further beyond by saying it was all the same guy.

He refused to believe such a claim! His heart would not be able to bear the possibility of there being an unknown guy already successful in his endeavor at gathering his own harem. 


A sudden chill ran up his spine, like a slight sensation of danger, something inside me felt threatened. He looked around and saw nothing to bring up such a weird reaction. "Oooh, he didn't know Murayama wore such risque undergarments!" Motohama's voice broke him out of his thoughts. 

'Probably nothing.'

He couldn't stay here for long, the boys wouldn't let him have a turn and Issei was pretty sure he heard the front doors of the club open, meaning someone was coming.

It wasn't until he was a distance away did he hear the painful screams of his friends, "Ahhhh! Issei, help!" Their cries were soon drowned by the sound of impacting shinais.

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