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It's now been a few days now right now I'm in the street with Izana as he was walking behind me death staring whoever looked at me even the slightest bit I would always say "Oi that's rude don't do that to other people" or "Hey, calm down now" he'd always look at me like well they shouldn't look at u in the first place when this happens I always end up flicking his forehead when he's being stubborn and won't listen at all. Meanwhile in the street I saw this shop with manga "Izana can we go there?"
 I asked "Why the hell would you want to go there",
"Well maybe because they have manga and anime merch" Expressing how excited I was "Fine do what you want" I ended up dragging Izana to the store, The first thing we saw was Demon slayer manga and Kakegurui.

But at the end of the day I ended up getting as much as 12-20 manga books and merch "What in the actual hell" Izana looked down on me "What? It's not even a lot only 12-20" Smiling nonstop with it in my hands, we went to the checkout and I paid for it bec I wanted to. "What the- you get so excited over Manga and anime stuff" .

"Well who wouldn't Anime is the best in the world anyways" I walked away from Izana, Him clearly annoyed from it , we went past a hill I saw it so i decided to run up it and roll to the bottom Izana didn't bother to say anything expect "Now that's childish" I really don't care if It's childish tho I was clearly bored out of my mind so what else could I do but that? I thought in my head everytime he told me I was being childish in some way for some examples: Rolling down a hill as you saw, Being stupid, etc.

Standing up after rolling down the hill = Dizziness for me but it was kinda like if I was a sideways tornado besides that It was very fun and I don't care what he says only if its really me but that's normal for him to say that to me "Act your age would you?" I coughed "Well I am acting my age I just was dying from boredom so I wanted to do that" happy as heck I was now giving a care in the world right now what people think.

We arrived back at his place and I went into the room I was in then changed into a Haikyuu jumper  Oh did I also mention I got a poster, a Kageyama  and Hinata poster, hanging it up now, after settling down and finished what I was doing I laid down on the bed my head off the bed with the rest on my body on, Looking around the room I realized how better it was from my real home even though that was also great but I could never go back there.

Because that's where my sister died, I don't know what exactly happened to her even though I was there but pretty sure I was busy doing something  next thing I heard her drop, then Ambulance that day it was happening so fast I couldn't keep up with it right now I just hope my mother is alright and taking care of herself because just because I don't see her doesn't mean I don't love her because of course I do she's my life giver and I love her with all my heart so I would be devastated if anything happened to her.

Also if I tried it would be so awkward being there since I haven't been to that place for nearly a year now, first it was my sister dying, I met Izana, I joined a gang well was technically forced but it would be worth it if my mother is alive if you are thinking -Where's your Grandparents or aunt and uncles?- Well my grandparents died years ago and my mother was a only child so basically she's all that I have left.

Izana went to my door and just looked at me "What are you doing like that?" I sat on the bed "Ehh nothing why you ask?"  laying my head on the pillows now, Little did I know Izana kept me here because he wanted to get closer to me and make me fall for him if it didn't work he would force me to love him. So I was here for his own satisfaction technically, he also didn't like Ran and Rindou protecting me because he wanted to do it but when I got shot I chose to make that action that day making sure no one got hurt because I didn't want anyone else to be hurt .

not caring about myself since I was little I always put others before me, my mother always said I was going to grow up into a kind hearted and beautiful woman I never thought that was true but as soon as I got older I started to realize that was most likely the reason I got bullied when I was younger because I was to soft for people because Bullies always target weaker people we learnt that in primary school then in yr 7 I learned how to cope with bullies of all sorts making myself stronger in the process.

Help from my teacher, a few people with me also would had bullying problems at the time because how fragile we were at that point so easy to target and break down into a million pieces, they would be careless what happened but as I got older I made more friends because how nice I was in yr 10 was when I was in a  group and extremely popular because how pretty I was one of the most prettiest girls in the school actually, I never really liked attention tho because I had social anxiety when there was to many people I would hide in the corner so no one could see me even if they saw me they just continued doing their own thing.

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