Turning point part 6

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Everyone suddenly loves me? A bit hard to deal with but if I'm anything is adaptable.

I'll go out of my way to make sure someone is well, may they be strangers or friends. Because this was who the new Hikigaya Hachiman was, the real me.

A grown-up, Hikigaya Hachiman.

"And I'll always help out people in need," I answered Akeno, feeling my cheeks heat up at the statement.

Though I do feel embarrassed from time to time when I try to sound cool.

"I know, and I love that part of you. But I also hate it. In many cases you keep everything bottled up inside you, never asking for much help. I always knew you had some inner struggles, yet you never brought them up."

"You saved my life, my mother's life, Rias is doing a lot better than before, Koneko is happier, even your parents are living off their dream life. Yet never in our time together have I had the opportunity to truly help you, to share some of your burdens."

I was beginning to grasp on what she was going for. Akeno didn't want me to be left all alone with my own demons. It wasn't an easy topic to bring up, especially with my case.

"I will one day." That's all I could say.

"I'll keep you to your word, call us if you need help, we'll teleport to your side in an instant. Okay?" Seems like I at least had some backup if things hit the fan.

"Sure," I agreed, taking out the small pamphlet that Rias distributed everywhere to her customers.

"I love you." She replied like it was the most natural thing to say to him.


This was the moment, say it.



The past is the past, I just had a long monologue on how I didn't care anymore and just followed my heart.


"I..." So I should be able to do it.


Say it.


Come on!


Don't act like a stupid Shounen protagonist!


You're better than that!


*Sigh* "I love you too."

A simple statement that held a lot of power.

Just like a dam breaking, I felt my body flood with a torrential flood of relief and acceptance. 'Sorry Yukino, I had to move on with my life. I can't keep being held down by the past.'


-Next day-

You know what? Waking up in the king-size luxurious bed with silk covers and embroidered curtains...isn't that shocking to me at this point.

What? You thought I would be amazed by the rich display?

Ha! Living with Rias was basically being exposed to all the riches the human world had to offer, and her understanding of money and how to spend it is vastly different from a regular person. But I'm not complaining about my manor house back in Japan.

My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang