Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

Perhaps, because the voice of the man is a little bit familiar to me. And also out of curiosity, given the fact that he's already standing in front of me and Declan.

And, the guy's eyes are focused on me for an unknown reason.

My eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. I looked at Declan to ask him what was going on, but then he started speaking to the guy in front of us.

"Correction, he's my boyfriend." Declan stated it like it was just nothing. My eyes widened a little in surprise, along with the few gasps that came out of the mouths of his friends.

Well except for Arson, Codee, Emman, and Felix. Instead, they have these expressions on their faces that look like they are enjoying this.

Yes, even Codee. Emman too.

The man in front of us looks taken aback. But his grin never left his mouth.

"Fuck no." The unknown man said in a playful tone. Declan glared at him. None of his friends are opening their mouth yet, it looks like they are all waiting for the conversation between Declan and this guy to end.

"Fuck yes, so fuck off." Declan soon retorted. His hand tightens his hold on my shoulder.

Uh, I don't know what to say. Guess I'll just stay silent.

The man look at Arson, looking for a confirmation. "What? Is that true Ars?!" He ask my bestfriend who's relaxing with some foods and beers in front of him.

"Yes, Kyle. Now sit-down. You're not one of the main friends so it's just right that you didn't know about their relationship," he swallowed the remaining foods inside his mouth.

"Now, leave Angel alone." Arson added, completely shutting down the guy's remaining hope.

And this time, one of the girls in the circle finally spoke up.

"His name is Angel? Wow, isn't he a boy?" I look at the girl who said that and nod my head proudly. I kind of hate her tone.

"But my name's not really Angel, it's just his nickname to me. My name's Angelo. Leron Angelo." I said and give her a tight-lipped smile.

Sorry, I can't help myself. Don't worry, I'm not saying this because of some lame reasons. I saw her flirting with Declan earlier, and the way he scrunched her face in disgust when Declan announced that I was his boyfriend ticked me off.

Like, hell. If she doesn't like us, or me, stay the fuck away.

She didn't say anything after that and just returned it with the same smile. Also after that, she finally turned her attention towards her other friend.

Like nothing just happened.

Oh, it looks like I won.


"Can you walk?" I softly asked my boyfriend as we started making our way towards his room. "Hm course." He said. Where did the 'of' go?

I slightly chuckle as I shake my head.

Fortunately, the party is over. Ahh! I felt so exhausted even though I did nothing but sit beside him all the time. Yes, I drink as well. But because I know that Declan will not hold back, I didn't push myself too much.

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