Chapter 47- Powerlessness

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Namjoon POV (Backstory)


It was morning where people, doing what they want and supposed to do. It was also the time where I'm looking forward to something.

A very special time and moment.

It was mine and Y/n's tea time. It was the only time we could make our memories together.

I was genuinely happy and excited but that look would just be stoic to others. Ofcourse the people who's with me for a long time noticed.

"This is a first" hoseok whispered to Jin hyung who's leaning on his desk. "Yeah I know right" Hyung replied with his teasing smile while looking at me.

"Why don't you focus on your documents, hoseok? I guess I need to add more workload for you to do if you have the time to chat" I said callously. Sigh... Will there be a time they stop making fun of me?

"Hah your joking" hoseok laughed.

"Do I look like a man who jokes?" I replied heartlessly.

He stopped laughing and cried out. "Do you really want your friend to die from overwork!? I can't die, I'm not even married yet!!" He said while showing his eyebags pathetically.

I glared at him.

"I'm satisfied with this" he backed off and murmured and I look at Hyung.

Hyung raised both his hands as a sign of defeat.

"Cut me some slack. I already killed the mastermind behind the assassins coming for your son and daughter's life. It was Mr. Villiante, a former business partner of your father who's jealousy on your family is endless" he said.

"Good job" I complimented him. I knew I can leave it to Hyung. He's a professional however there are still people who's our family's enemy. I can't let my guard down yet.

"Hey what about me?!" Hoseok pointed himself. I smirked and replied "Good job for finishing your work quickly and accurately, my dear hoseok"

"Yeah! I knew you can't live without me" he said brightly like being scared earlier never happened.

These guys... They might be cheeky but I'm thankful for them being my friends.

"Now, out" I said. They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Yeah, have a nice time joon-ah" Hyung said as they went out.

"With your daughter ofcourse" hoseok continued and closed the door of my office.

The moment the door closed, I chuckled.

It was then, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" I said, feeling happy because I was sure that it was y/n, my daughter.

Unfortunately it's not.

"Hi father" The girl with her brown hair sweetly said to me but I replied with cold eyes.

"Don't call me father, We aren't sure that you are my daughter." I said coldly.

I already knew she wasn't my daughter. We already investigated it after y/n's birthday and my wife didn't gave birth to the hospital they said she was. They must think the can fool me.

"I let you stay here for courtesy. Don't forget that" I said without looking at her and continued doing my paperworks. I was expecting her to leave not until I heard her laughed.

"Fufu how dare you speak to me that way" she said and I raised my head and saw her eyes... glowing?

After we made contact unbearable pain rushed in my head making me slam my forehead to the table. What is happening?! My eyes were blurry but I tried to look at her. She was smiling evily.

"Blame your daughter for this" after she said that I blackout without putting a fight. Now I know why they can fool me.

It felt like someone was taking over my mind and I can't break free. I tried and tried so hard to figure out what was happening but there was nothing.

It felt like I was in an endless abyss.

A really long time has passed and suddenly I broke free only to not remember anything. The more shocking thing was that I was in the car with Aera and the bloody y/n infront of us.
But the thing that made my blood boil the most was that aera was just sitting beside me laughing without doing anything.

What the hell happened!? As if to answer my thoughts, memories rushed in to me.

"You're not my daughter"

"I'm disappointed in you y/n"

"You're grounded"

NO! No! No!, how could I torment my only daughter like this. I just realized I was being controlled but the fact that I can't stop it and killed my daughter- this is unforgivable. If I didn't let aera live in my house even if it's temporary. If not for that f**king courtesy and formalities.

I went out and ran hurriedly to
y/n and called the ambulance. I didn't even notice that aera escape by then- No I could care less about her, my top priority right now is to save y/n.

This was all her fault. I don't believe in superpowers but I was certainly being controlled.

Please make the ambulance on time.

This was the first time I saw y/n like this. She was pale and blood gushed out from her head.

I hated it.

I hated what I saw.

I hated everything.

"Y/n.. hey sweetie, wake up" I gently patted her cheeks.

In the end I can't even protect her.

"C'mon don't close your eyes!" I desperately yelled.

The thought of not seeing her smile again made me burst into tears. She was slowly starting to lose all sensations in her body as she is getting cold. I panicked.

She can't die. Please don't die

Maybe I already knew that I was too late. But I just started believing. As there are powers in the world maybe miracles too. Maybe she'll wake up if I plead....

"Sorry for being late. Father's here so please..." I sobbed with tears in my eyes while my voice broke as I said those words.

Please don't die on me.



Just to remind ya
There will be no update next week as I am busy with school works however I appreciate your love and support to 'Im his daughter'. I'll update as soon as possible. I hope you will continue to support this book, mwuah!!

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